Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
Project 289 - Day 104 : Flat Out Like a Colloquial Lizard and the World is BBQ!
"Wow! Hold the press!" you scream out loud in the office, making you look like a mental patient with an insufficient prescribed dose of calming medication surging through your veins, and a Luddite, who is still reading their newspapers in the real world, rather than online, and forgets that these days, it's more like "Hold the emailed digitized word count!" or something like that!..... OK now what was I saying?
Anyway, Impressions-of-Luddite-Madness creating screaming rants aside, I appreciate that disliking Mondays is hardly a revelation. I mean, I am fairly certain that saying "All those who like Mondays please step forward onto the freeway into oncoming traffic and..... OK wait, that's a bad example! But you get the idea. No one likes Mondays.

I foresee a lengthy therapy session just as soon as I schedule a meeting with an actual therapist. Till then blogging will have to do, along with chocolate.... lots of chocolate....
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Project 289 - Day 103 : Who's a Flaming Queen?
Well at least in my corner of the world. Yes I did have a delightful brunch with my friend Justin @ South End, a favourite cafe of mine on King Street, and I did get my hair buzzcutted after which I indulged in the supreme existential thrill of grocery shopping (I remembered my green bags this time!! Score for the environment...and my memory which hasn't completely failed yet!), but beyond that, it was all napping, reading and some tidying up...

How appropo darling! I loved the gifts and I love the store name! Think I shall travel to Singapore just to shop there! Don't laugh - that is just the sort of thing I would do! If I had endless money..... and holidays..... hmm just as well got me the gifts and funky bag then!
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Project 289 - Day 102 : The Day of Simple Things

Friday, June 26, 2009
Project 289 - Day 101 : The Death of Icons - Goodbye Farrah Fawcett & Michael Jackson

Fawcett, first vaulted to stardom by an alluring poster of her in a red swimsuit, was diagnosed with anal cancer in late 2006.
It spread to her liver in 2007, proving resistant to numerous medical treatments in Germany and California.
"After a long and brave battle with cancer, our beloved Farrah has passed away," Fawcett's long time companion, actor Ryan O'Neal, said in a statement.
"Although this is an extremely difficult time for her family and friends, we take comfort in the beautiful times that we shared with Farrah over the years and the knowledge that her life brought joy to so many people around the world."
Fawcett's death in a Los Angeles hospital came just six weeks after the TV broadcast in May of a video diary she made chronicling her battle with cancer and her final months.
Called Farrah's Story, the documentary was effectively a self-penned obituary by the actress, who was bedridden and had lost her famous hair by the time it was shown.
O'Neal said she had wanted to tell her story on her own terms.
Fawcett's close friend Alana Stewart, ex-wife of rocker Rod Stewart, told Entertainment Tonight after leaving the hospital on Thursday; "I just lost my best friend. Her death was very peaceful."
Fawcett, born February 2, 1947, in Corpus Christi, Texas, was an art student in college before she began modeling, appearing in shampoo ads.
She started guest-starring on TV in the late 1960s and appeared on the television hit The Six Million Dollar Man after marrying the show's star, Lee Majors, in 1974. The couple divorced in the early 1980s.
Angel culture
Fawcett's career took off thanks to a poster of her posing flirtatiously with a brilliant smile in a red one-piece bathing suit.
It sold millions of copies and led to her being cast in 1976 in Charlie's Angels, an action show about three beautiful, strong women private detectives.
As the tanned and glamorous Jill Munroe - part of a trio that included Jaclyn Smith and Kate Jackson - Fawcett was the hit show's most talked-about star.
She left Charlie's Angels after only one season but lawsuit settlements brought her back to guest-star in subsequent years.
Fawcett's face appeared on T-shirts, posters and dolls. She came to epitomise the glamorous California lifestyle and inspired a worldwide craze for blown-out, feathered-back hair.
The New York Times once described that hair as "a work of art ... emblematic of women in the first stage of liberation -- strong, confident and joyous".
"Her hair needed its own phone line," Charlie's Angels co-star Smith recalled later.
In late 2008, Fawcett shaved her own hair when it began falling out because of her cancer treatments.
Serious roles
While Fawcett's early career was marked by lightweight roles, the actress sought to play down her sex symbol image in more challenging dramas in the '80s.
She earned critical acclaim for her performance as a battered wife in 1984's The Burning Bed, for which she received the first of three Emmy nominations.
The off-Broadway play and subsequent film Extremities, in which Fawcett played a woman who takes revenge on a would-be attacker, earned one of her six Golden Globe nominations.
Fawcett posed for Playboy magazine in 1995, the same year she received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
She had one son, Redmond, with O'Neal. Redmond O'Neal, now 24, was arrested on several occasions in 2008 and 2009 for heroin and methamphetamine offenses leading to time in jail.
In the last few years, Fawcett appeared frequently on entertainment TV, where she shared details of her battle with cancer.
But she was outraged when news of her deteriorating condition was leaked to tabloid newspapers.
A Los Angeles hospital employee was charged in 2008 with stealing and selling Fawcett's medical records, leading to a new California law imposing tighter controls on medical files and stiffer penalties for privacy breaches.
- Reuters

Jackson suffered a cardiac arrest earlier today, according to CNN and entertainment news website TMZ.com.
TMZ is now reporting he has died.
"We've just learned Michael Jackson has died," TMZ said.
"Michael suffered a cardiac arrest earlier this afternoon and paramedics were unable to revive him.
"We're told when paramedics arrived Jackson had no pulse and they never got a pulse back," the entertainment website said.
There has been no official confirmation of the reported death and spokespersons for Jackson could not be reached for comment.
Earlier, The LA Times reported paramedics went to the singer's home and found him not breathing.
The newspaper said paramedics performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation at the scene before taking him to the UCLA Medical Centre hospital.
Jackson had been due to start a series of comeback concerts in London on July 13 running until March 2010.
He had been rehearsing in the Los Angeles area for the past two months.
The shows for the 50 London concerts sold out within hours of going on sale earlier this year.
Jackson started out as a child star in the band The Jackson 5 more than 40 years ago.
He has lived as a virtual recluse since his acquittal in 2005 on charges of child molestation.
There have been concerns about Jackson's health in recent years but the promoters of the London concerts, AEG Live, said in March that Jackson had passed a four-and-a-half hour physical examination with independent doctors.
- ABC/AFP/Reuters
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Project 289 - Day 100 : Bigger Than a Blog on a High Carb Diet
So to celebrate, in typical me fashion, where too much is never enough, I am going to commemorate this amazing milestone with an epic entry where I reflect on the enormity of the achievement (like getting Unwired's wireless modem to cough up enough internet time at night for instance when it clearly didn't want to), or pause to think back to those heady, crazy days of March this year when I was younger, more confident and dare I say just a little naive, thinking that a big city Executive Assistant from the inner city suburbs, could actually make it big in the blogosphere.....
Or I could wonder about what makes me, a 43 year old man surrounded by contemporaries who only listen to Human League and think a tweet is the sound that a discordant bird makes, up to my cyber neck in fast-breaking, society-altering new technologies like blogging, Twitter-ing or Facebook-ing (I love my made up verbs and that's a fact!), so inclined to plunge on in to new experiences, new ways of doing things, and incorporating them in a meaningful way into my life.....
I love this blog. I love the creative outlet it gives me when my job, which I love, is not imbued with a massive amount of creative fulfillment. I love that I get to write, express who I am, what I am thinking and feeling, and what matters to me, in a way that reflects very much the serious/silly dichotomy that powers me through life. I was once told by my writing teacher that I could make taking out the garbage sound like fun if I wrote about it, and whether that's true or not, I do love having an outlet where I can express what matters to me in life; a place that gives me the chance to work out what's happening to me, even if it's a relatively trivial thing, which let's face it a lot of life is.
..... and yet, trivial or not, even small things can have an impact on us, and this is my place to work out what that moment/event/feeling means to me and place it in some form of context. Blogging has been painted many times as a tool to give the self-absorbed the chance to practise their vanity, which frankly is a bit of an overreaction, because who of us has the right to look at someone else's life and say "That isn't worth noting", and "That is a pointless thing to reflect on" when what matters is how that thing touches upon that person's life.
So this is my blog. My chance to be uncompromisingly me. My place to say "I am an extrovertive over-the-top, colour-loving, humour-addicted gay man" and this is who I am, and this is what matters to me.
I like this place.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Project 289 - Day 99 : Snippets of MX all In a Row (or the day my brain rotted on the way home from work and I didn't care!)

Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Project 289 - Day 98 : Chicken Soup.... or Is That Chicken Stir Fry?

Monday, June 22, 2009
Project 289 - Day 97 : Call Me!..... You Can Call Me Any-Any Time.....Call Me!

Eevn if they are far away and it means spending time on the phone, which, sadly after many years in call centres and Cubicles of Death and Greyness, feels like a tool of Satan. (Not the iPhone I hasten to add which is virtuous in all it's ways and will lead us all to technological salvation. Amen.) So last night I called my dear friend Jason (still in my phone as Jason Vegas, which is how I entered his name in my phone when we first met at Mardi Gras in 2008 - he is so named because he is from Brisbane, or as it's affectionately known, BrizVegas) and we had our usual loooooong chat about everything serious, silly and all points inbetween, laughing and being deadly calm and introspective in almost equal meausre. (OK there was a LOT of silly laughing last night but it was a school night and we were both really tired, something that leads to much maniacal laughing with little or no rational basis!).
That was, until my phone decided to go all HAL in '2001 A Space Odyssey' on me, and disconnected the call, and refused to re-connect when Jason rang back. I finally managed to bludgeon it into submission, and we finished off our conversation, but I am fairly certain that when the machines arise to destroy all mankind, my phone will make sure I have a Terminator with my name on it coming to get me!
Time to make friends with Christian Bale I think!!!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Project 289 - Day 96 : The Delightful Solitude of Nothing
I did nothing much of anything today.
With my beautiful man in Melbourne seeing his family, I spent the day lazing around, reading, napping and making two forays to feed the cat since that is the one thing I can't neglect. What a blissfully chilled day.
So no photo today....
Not a one. Kinda captures the day just perfectly you know?
Project 289 - Day 95 (Saturday 20 June 2009) :6 Friends, 3 Meals (and 3 Skinny Chai Lattes), 2 Long Walks and 1 Rainy Day

Saturday, June 20, 2009
Project 289 - Day 94 (Friday 19 June 2009) : My Man Done Gone to Mexico

Friday, June 19, 2009
Project 289 - Day 93 (Thursday 18 June 2009) : Somewhere Under the Rainbow

Thursday, June 18, 2009
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Project 289 - Day 92 : It's Raining....... Cats
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Project 289 - Day 91 : All A-Twitter About Everything
Monday, June 15, 2009
Project 289 - Day 90 : Sometimes My Brain Goes Into Neutral Without Any Bidding From Me

Sunday, June 14, 2009
Project 289 - Day 89 : Happy Days With The Man I Love and Adore

Saturday, June 13, 2009
Project 289 - Day 88 : Saturday In The Park With John and Essie, Ben & Sophie, Fahmi, and Steve

Friday, June 12, 2009
Project 289 - Day 87 : Having Heather For Lunch...I Mean Lunch With Heather
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Project 289 - Day 86 : Happy Birthday Amanda... and Ann!
First up was my wonderful friend Amanda from work who celebrated her 40th - at work!! Is she mad? To make up for the fact that she was marking such a big day in her Cubicle of Death and Greyness, my friend Tricia and I bought her a Sacher Torte and I got everyone to sign a card. She loved it, and had as close to wonderful day at work as you can get. (Which despite all it's delight was still standing on a wind swept hill waving at the distant allure of Wonderful).
We finished off the day with a very yummy dinner of lamb and various metze dishes at a fabulous Greek restaurant in the City called Medusas, with very close friends of my gorgeous guy. It was all in honour of Ann's birthday (see above pictured with my guy), who is an absolute darling, very vivacious and lots of fun, and we celebrated the day along with her partner Geoff, close friends Gary & Janette, David & Scott and a few others. They are a witty, clever, very social bunch, and despite it being the first time I'd really met any of them, bar David & Scott, I fitted right in, and had the best time.
Project 289 - Day 85 (Wednesday 10 June 2009) : Let Them NOT Eat Cake! Or Carbs! Or....
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
Project 289 - Day 84 : "It's An iPhone Jim But Not As We Know It"
Last week I got the iPhone.....
... Today I announce my absolute and utter and complete devotion to it. OK that's a bit OTT even for me! But it is the most fabulous mobile device ever (bar my iPod which can do no wrong...unless of course if freezes in which case it is the satanic setpchild of Microsoft, a terrible insult indeed!) and I am having so much fun with my text 'conversations', adding photos to the person's profile so it pops up when they ring, setting the alarm.... oh the list goes on!
I know you can do all these things to some extent on other devices but this is the first device that actually makes sense to me, and makes technology workable and useful to me. I always love the idea of new tehcnology but struggle to fully utilise it. The joy of this device is that it makes the technology something that I can use in my life, and not a headache that only a fistful of Advil and a good throw of the device from a wharf into a stormy sea will assuage.
I like that, and so the iPhone has pride of my place in today's blog
Monday, June 08, 2009
Project 289 - Day 83 : Move! Move. Moooooooove......
Project 289 - Day 82 (Sunday 7 June 2009) : A Rose (Bay) By Any Other Name Would Be a French Patisserie

Not much, although a holiday on the Amalfi Coast and all the caramel slices (with no caloric consequences naturally!) may just edge past in the race for my affections. But in the absence of cliff top Italian towns and diabetes-at-ten-paces sugary treats, I had a delightful brunch today with my guy and my friend Justin at Sugarloaf, a funky cafe at Rose Bay, just across from the golf course, and just down from the harbour. The food was delicious, the conversation witty and sparkling (would it be any other way darling? Of course not!), and there was some visual distractions such as the guy below in his bike gear who is apparently not quite off his trike yet! It's these sorts of days that make all those hours spent in the Cubicle of Death and Greyness feel worth it. Well almost!

We then headed to Bondi Junction for a little bit of shopping and then a spontaneous catch up with my friend Warren and his lovely friend Sue at Erskineville pub. We were off on our way abck to my place when Warren texted to say he'd found a ton of mooses at the Mansours seconds store in Alexandria. Initially I thought he was bonkers because mooses are not generally a mass sale item in Australia. Canada yes, but Australia, no. But lo, there they were, and at bargain prices so I added to my moose collection, nicely finishing off what had been a near on perfect day.
Save for a lack of sweet yummy treats in exotic European locales....

Project 289 - Day 81 (Saturday 6 June 2009) : Waiter, There's a Moose In My Soup!

I have a reasonably offbeat sense of humour and love of pop culture oddities.