Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Project 289 - Day 99 : Snippets of MX all In a Row (or the day my brain rotted on the way home from work and I didn't care!)

I like my brain. A lot.

It keeps me breathing. Remembers to beat the heart. Throws blood around my body with the giddy abandon of a celebrity on an ecstasy and Vodka bender.... and stops my skull from caving in, which, let's face it, is a real bonus, should I ever become a famous model... or in the unlikely event that doesn't happen, I just want to look human.....

Yes my brain is a very good thing indeed....

So why do I persist in torturing it by reading MX (the free newspaper given away at nights on train platforms to weary commuters too tired to care anymore), a newspaper that makes 'Entertainment Tonight' (a vapid US entertainment news program where a 2 minute treatise on anything is labelled 'in depth'; how ADHD of them!) look like a learned tome from a Nobel Laureate? Why you ask? Wait a second I am asking aren't I? Ah, so many voices, so hard to tell them apart in my head.....

Well, partly because I am too tired to care any more and I am happy to read about an 84 year old man in Ohio driving his ride on lawn mower into a lake, or the fact that a guy one woman saw fleetingly on the 5.22 a.m. to Central is 'cute, and you are so worth getting up for'? Yes brain cells die but I don't care.... 

.....and it's partly today because they featured an article on mooses! Yes, mooses...... and who doesn't like a newspaper that features mooses? No one, that's who! Especially Canadians trapped in Aussie bodies like me.... 

Oh, and who doesn't wan to read Twitter updates, helpfully collated by MX, by Ashton Kutcher, and Alyssa Milano? Honestly if I read MX too much, I fear I shall dumb down to the point where Mary Hart starts to sound like a university professor and I do NOT want that....

P.S. Occasionally, and don't tell a soul I said this, there is an article that is somewhat interesting. Like the time I found out that Facebook were giving their users (that would include me) the chance to get their username, something Facebook had done a less than stellar job of telling me. Or the time, which occurred just today when they revealed what the characters in the new Tim Burton version of 'Alice in Wonderland' would look like. They look amazing and I can't wait to see the movie. But keep that quiet. I don't want it to look like I actually like my brain disappearing before me....


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