Thursday, June 25, 2009

Project 289 - Day 100 : Bigger Than a Blog on a High Carb Diet

Wow its my 100th blog in Project 289!

So to celebrate, in typical me fashion, where too much is never enough, I am going to commemorate this amazing milestone with an epic entry where I reflect on the enormity of the achievement (like getting Unwired's wireless modem to cough up enough internet time at night for instance when it clearly didn't want to), or pause to think back to those heady, crazy days of March this year when I was younger, more confident and dare I say just a little naive, thinking that a big city Executive Assistant from the inner city suburbs, could actually make it big in the blogosphere..... 

Or I could wonder about what makes me, a 43 year old man surrounded by contemporaries who only listen to Human League and think a tweet is the sound that a discordant bird makes, up to my cyber neck in fast-breaking, society-altering new technologies like blogging, Twitter-ing or Facebook-ing (I love my made up verbs and that's a fact!), so inclined to plunge on in to new experiences, new ways of doing things, and incorporating them in a meaningful way into my life.....

I love this blog. I love the creative outlet it gives me when my job, which I love, is not imbued with a massive amount of creative fulfillment. I love that I get to write, express who I am, what I am thinking and feeling, and what matters to me, in a way that reflects very much the serious/silly dichotomy that powers me through life. I was once told by my writing teacher that I could make taking out the garbage sound like fun if I wrote about it, and whether that's true or not, I do love having an outlet where I can express what matters to me in life; a place that gives me the chance to work out what's happening to me, even if it's a relatively trivial thing, which let's face it a lot of life is.

..... and yet, trivial or not, even small things can have an impact on us, and this is my place to work out what that moment/event/feeling means to me and place it in some form of context. Blogging has been painted many times as a tool to give the self-absorbed the chance to practise their vanity, which frankly is a bit of an overreaction, because who of us has the right to look at someone else's life and say "That isn't worth noting", and "That is a pointless thing to reflect on" when what matters is how that thing touches upon that person's life.

So this is my blog. My chance to be uncompromisingly me. My place to say "I am an extrovertive over-the-top, colour-loving, humour-addicted gay man" and this is who I am, and this is what matters to me. 

I like this place.



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