Friday nights are usually a chance for me to spend some wonderful quality time with my gorgeous guy, unencumbered by the demands of 'school nights' when shirts demand to be ironed (yes I own talking shirts - lucky me!), lunches made, and beds got to early so I can exercise in the morning at the delightfully crisp hour of 5 a.m.
ut tonight my lovely guy headed to Melbourne for the weekend to see his family and especially to see his Dad who had just successfully undergone an op., and was recovering very nicely in hospital. So we could spend some time together, I raced home from work in record time (setting a land speed record between St Peters station and my apartment), threw myself in the car (shouldn't do that since the odds of me putting my body through an open door with that haphazard a technique, and my lack of sports hand-eye coordination isn't good!) and picked him up from Sydenham station for the trip to the airport....
....where we looked like complete yokels as I snapped him at the departure gate! Ah the demands of blogging!!
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