Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Project 289 - Day 105 : The Happiest Six Months of My Life

Today I celebrated 6 months of going out with the most wonderful, sweet, caring, lovely guy in the world.

Yes I know that's sounds mawkishly sentimental, and those of you who are "corny" sentiments-intolerant will no doubt be chuck-chundering into whatever receptacle is close at hand, but frankly I don't care. I am in love, seriously irrevocably in love, and while I once scorned syrupy announcements of love eternal, I am now the announcer and blissfully uncaring about the emotional diabetes I may be causing! My apologies to all but....

It was a lovely all around. I texted him that morning and he called me back while I was on the bus, wishing me the loveliest "half-year anniversary". It was so sweet of him to call me and I floated into work. The day itself was a standard manic Tuesday and I emerged from a long senior management meeting for a quick dash into the City to see "The Proposal" (starring my favourite actor, Sandra Bullock, and one of the best romantic comedies I have seen in a while) followed by a delicious dinner of tapas at Casa Asturiana. We picked a restaurant over a sushi train so we could engage in some gazing into each other's eyes, and sitting there, I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that I have found my soulmate for life.

Even waiting for the train to go home, which took forever, was wonderful with him beside me. Yeah, yeah, I know, time to throw up again! Enjoy that, and I will go back to dreamily talking about my lovely guy and the joy he has brought to my life.

I am a happy, happy man.


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