Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Project 289 - Day 106 : Wednesday, You Are a Most Unattractive Day

Today is Hump Day right? Second best day of the week because it means that's it all a bone-jarring slide down to the delight of TGIF right? Wrong!

Today was nasty.

Today I had more work than I could possibly do.

Today I worked my guts out (in and of itself a thoroughly unpleasant activity - the cleaning bill alone will set me back years financially) and had my secondary boss chuck a tanty (tantrum for the colloquially-challenged) over a minor issue after I performed major and minor Outlook miracles across many crowded days.

Today my shoes hurt, my eyes stung from tiredness, and I left work at 6.30 after starting at 8.

Today I had yummy Indian food for dinner and some chocolate - very nice and a sure sign this day could be redeemed.....

Then today I trod on a sliver of glass buried in the carpet and cut my heel till it bled more blood than I really wanted to part with, which was, um, NONE.

Today was only made bearable by the fact it was Canada Day (go mooses!) and more importantly by my sweet adorable guy who rang me to offer his support and love.

Maybe today wasn't so bad after all.....


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