Thursday, July 02, 2009

Project 289 - Day 107 : OUCH!!! Pain, pain, pain....

My foot made it's pain very clear today.

Taking a leaf from the admirably energetic and determined protestors on the streets of Iran seeking democracy and freedom (yes my feet are wonderfully current affairs literate, which is a fortunate counterpoint to the ugly varicose-like veins on my ankle), my feet decided enough is enough and made it very clear that my tight funky leather shoes will no longer be tolerated. The pain that my right ankle in particular created (not to mention the enormously impressive swelling) was such that I spent the greater part of the day hobbling around out of my right shoe, simply to get some blessed relief.

So unlike the mullahs of Iran, who like all good dictators have raised the lust for power to a hideously dark artform, I listened to my feet and spent the day looking like an absent-minded man with one shoe missing. Like I had much of a choice. I prefer to think of myself as less a wimp, than an enlightened man who listens to my body parts when they cry out in anger and pain.

OK, is anyone finding my bizarre comparison between foot pain and a quest for democracy in the Middle East a little weird? Yep me too. Think I will stop here....


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