Friday, July 03, 2009

Project 289 - Day 108 : I'm On the Bus to Somewhere

Do the wheels of the bus go round and round?

I pondered that deeply existential question as my commuter bus crossed the Harbour Bridge today, and concluded that, in the absence of a bone-jarring shuddering halt, followed by a sickening plunge into the harbour below, that the wheels did indeed go round and round. Happy with my resolution of this philosophical query, I sat back and admired the stellar view I get each morning as the bus crosses the Bridge and I take in the City skyline, Circular Quay (which, let's face it, looks more like a squashed donut that was put at the bottom of the shopping bag under the bulk tin of canned tomatoes), the Opera House (seen in the picture below through the charming anti-suicide fencing along the Bridge's length), and Fort Dennison, all set against the sunshine-dappled beauty of Sydney's greatest asset - the Harbour.

It is easy to take this gorgeous view for granted, and truth be told many mornings I do what my fellow commuters in the photo below do, and either stare straight ahead (snug in my iPod buttressed sonic world of my own), or read the latest fabulous must-read tome in my bag, but every so often I glance up, and rediscover the fact that though my commute takes it an awful lot of less than attractive freeway (to those members of the Freeway Lovers Society of Australia, I say - for god's sake it a piece of ugly bitumen! Get a new hobby NOW!), that it starts in a beautiful, iconic place, and I should be grateful for that.....


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