Project 289 - Day 81 (Saturday 6 June 2009) : Waiter, There's a Moose In My Soup!

I have a reasonably offbeat sense of humour and love of pop culture oddities.
Add that to a love of mooses, and collecting anything moose-like, and you have someone with peculiar one-of-a-kind tastes, especially in Australia where moose are not exactly thick on the ground. So what's a moose-appreciative (I was going to say moose-loving boy but even in an inclusive city like Sydney, that sounds a tad too close to the wildlife!) boy to do?
Well apart from Ebay there's not much I can do, or visit Canada a lot, or befriend Canadians. Now before you think to yourself, "That is kind of sleazy that you are befriending Canadians in the hope of one day gaining moose memorabilia; begone, and do not darken our village again!" (yes I thought that was a bit medieval a response but you can't underestimate the ire of those who hate moose-loving people users), let me clarify. I am not that kind of boy.
What I am is a guy who finds Canadians to be the most delightful, warm, inclusive, funny, down-to-earth people you'd ever want to meet, and I have had the extreme good fortune to stumble onto the fabulously zany, and simultaneously thoughtful and insightful, photo art of a Canadian guy living in Australia for a while called Daniel Cohen who has a web site - - and till June 13, a stall at Glebe Markets. Check out the website and you'll see what I mean about the photos being amazingly creative while saying something really meaningful. Very clever stuff.

Anyway a few weeks back when I stopped by to buy yet more of his great photos, and have a chat (with a frequency that either made me seem like a really cool groupie or stalker!), the issue of mooses raised its antler-clad head, and he said he had this very cool moose item to give me. Forgetting all about that very generous offer, I turned up today to see him and lo and behold, there was a wonderfully moose-like beer stubby holder which Daniel handed straight over to my surprise (remember my brain, the size of a thimble owed by a blond person, at times, had forgotten it was coming!) and delight.
It made my day, as did getting more of his art. Go and check it out. You may not get a moose beer stubbuy holder - that's mine; hands off! - but you will get some real pleasure from having your funny tinkled, your brain engaged and your heart touched. It's well worth your time.
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