Friday, June 05, 2009

Project 289 - Day 80 : A Day Off That Seemed To Be Frantically On

Ah OK you say to yourself Andrew has finally lost it - he's taking pictures of small plants in plastic bags.....

But there is a reason for it. What was meant to be a relaxed day off work became a cleaning bee. No one was more surprised than me but somewhere between rousing myself from sleep, and stumbling out into the blinding glare of daylight, I decided to tidy up my room, clean the kitchen from floor to ceiling (which involved  a heady whiff of cleaning chemicals and who doesn't like that?! LOL), and finally, and this is where the plant below comes in, sweep up and mop the filthy balcony.

I knew it was dirty but to find a plant, or rather plants, growing next to the door that leads from my bedroom onto the balcony, underscored that possibly I have been a rad remiss with my cleaning. How's that for an understatement? I practically had a mini-herb garden screaming up towards the sunlight! Alas, the plants met their fate at the hand of my brush and pan, and went to that great nursery in the sky, where hopefully they will find a measure of peace they didn't obtain at the hands of my surprising cleaning mania.


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