Sunday, May 31, 2009

Project 289 - Day 75 : (Yum Cha) Fun With Jeff and Jane

Sundays and Yum Cha goes together like Doris Day and Rock Hudson in a 60s era romantic comedy.

The fabulously gay pop culture reference aside, they also go together like my wonderful friends Jeff and Jane (above). They are witty, intelligent, warm friendly people, and the perfect friends to spend a couple of hours chowing down on Yum Cha with, especially if that is somewhere as nice as Kam Fook's in Bond Junction. 

So after 6 months of false starts, re-schedules, and diary snafus, we finally occupied the exact same piece of space and time (with no aid from Star Trek or any sci-fi entities whatsoever!) and caught up on the things we had managed to do in the last 6 months or so. The food was delicious as always, the conversation flowed freely, and they met and loved my lovely guy (as if there was any doubt they would!). It was a perfect Sunday, and the absolute best lead-in to the flute recital that my lovely guy and I attended later that afternoon at the Conservatorium of Music.

Yes, Kul-Cha and Yum Cha all in one day...... cha cha cha!


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