Project 289 - Day 14 : What Are Gorgeous Boyfriends Made Of? Kisses and salmon and melons and cupcakes.....YUM!

I am enormously sentimental. I keep concert tickets, Christmas & birthday cards, even the Lindt dark chocolate container lid that held the Lindor Balls I had on my first date with the guy who is now my best friend. If it commemorates some sort of emotionally significant event, and it doesn't weigh 6 tons (OK that would be the elephant I smuggled out of Taronga Zoo years back) or occupy half my apartment, then it stays.
OK I'll admit I stole the title of this blog from one of my favourite bookstores ever - "Better Read Than Dead" - which sits up on King Street, my favourite street in Sydney, and quite possibly, the world. (I can't say that with absolute certainty having not visited every street in the world; of course if I was a virulently right wing tabloid columnist, that small piece of logic wouldn't even enter into my statement.).
Now I need to make one thing clear at the start of this entry - I am not putting a photo of my feet here to let you know in graphic detail about my foot fetish. Primarily because I don't have one! LOL So then, you ask, why is there a photo in my blog of my admittedly devilishly handsome feet? Because it was these very same feet that ended up being attacked by no less than 8 fleas after my boyfriend and I checked out a rental property that it seemed had been decorated by a joint venture company comprising City of Sydney rubbish dumps and slum lords from the less desirable parts of the world's shanty towns.
I have a great life. Wonderful friends, loving close family, mostly fulfilling job with great co-workers and a lovely boss, interests in everything from pop culture to current affairs, but what really makes my life feel special is the handsome man pictured. I know that everyone will say their significant other is the best thing since Lindor Balls came out in Cookies and Cream flavour (god bless the Swiss!), but in this case it's true - my boyfriend is a sweet, intelligent, caring guy who, not surprisingly I love even more than Lindor Balls. Yes, that much! LOL
Catching up with very close friends is a wonderful thing at any time, but never more so than in the middle of a frantic day at the corporate coal face. Usually my days are so busy that eating lunch at my desk is the norm - and let's face it, it has all the ambience of a toxic waste dump in the middle of Summer. Yes that much! LOL - but every so often I escape the Cubicle O' Grey, walk briskly across campus (except on really hot days when it's Walk Slow, Don't Sweat) and enjoy lunch at the food court with someone who doesn't want a meeting scheduled, report created, or document printed.
I know the photo must look like a glossy refugee from a supermarket catalog, and while I am all for giving lost and catalog-less images a home, what it shows is in fact my snacks for the day. Some years back when I lost 14 kg, what worked wonderfully was having a series of small healthy (let's not focus on the sugar content of the muesli bars shall we?! LOL) snacks spaced throughout the day. It kept my metabolism running like a well-oiled engine (yes I know what you're thinking - a gay man just used an automotive reference! Can the apocalypse be that far off?), and stopped me racing in a sugar-craving frenzy for the nearest well-stocked vending machine.
What is Project 289 you ask? (Even if you're not asking, I will pretend you are; it comforts me, just like the ever present voices in my head.) Is it a new type of cologne? A mysterious new water-fueled car? A top secret military project that will ensure world peace, an endless supply of tofu (not tested on animals), and free Wii for all? It is, surprisingly, and I appreciate this will shock you, none of the above! I know! Who saw that coming?
So here I am.... the year is screaming through March like bargain shoppers at a discount outlet, and I haven't blogged in 2 months.... the plan is to blog again daily right after I go on an insanely early morning walk - hello 5 a.m.!! - and when presumably I am chock full then of endorphins, which in turn should theoretically result in fabulous bon mots spilling forth from my energised brain.... that's the theory anyway..... in short, life is freaking marvelous! I have just seen one of the best concerts of my life (Coldplay on their Viva La Vida tour of Oz), fallen in love with fried tofu in tamarind sauce (a love that cannot be denied!), and I am enjoying getting to know my beautiful boyfriend better and better as each day passes, and realising that life may take a while to reach some of the choice destinations but it gets there eventually.....