Friday, March 27, 2009

Project 289 - Day 10 : Then Love Walked In The Door... and I don't mean Courtney!

I have a great life. Wonderful friends, loving close family, mostly fulfilling job with great co-workers and a lovely boss, interests in everything from pop culture to current affairs, but what really makes my life feel special is the handsome man pictured. I know that everyone will say their significant other is the best thing since Lindor Balls came out in Cookies and Cream flavour (god bless the Swiss!), but in this case it's true - my boyfriend is a sweet, intelligent, caring guy who, not surprisingly I love even more than Lindor Balls. Yes, that much! LOL

The loveliest part of my week is when this beautiful sexy man arrives at my door on a Friday night to stay the weekend, and I get to enjoy his delightful company without alarm clocks summoning me to catch the next commuter train, or Outlook demanding I get my boss to the next meeting, or life generally just cracking it's whip. Friday nights herald the start of the sweetest two days of my week when the life stops for just a moment, and I can relax into the wonderful embrace of love.


Blogger Justin said...

Where's the photo? Jus xo

8:32 AM  
Blogger Andrew said...

IT will be posted momentarily. We apologise for this break in our transmission.

5:49 PM  
Blogger Justin said...

Yay, the photo appeared! Jus xo

8:15 AM  

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