Saturday, March 21, 2009

Project 289 - Day 4 : Man Voted Most Likely To Go Rental

Today was one of those perfectly blissful Autumn days of cloudless blue skies, light cooling breezes.... and random ferret attacks on passers-by. Just kidding about the cooling breezes..... 

It was also Saturday, prime prospective rental digs day and my boyfriend Stephen, who's back in Sydney after a stint in the country, was eager to stop living out of suitcases (there's no running water in them, and they keep toppling over in moderate to strong breezes), and find a place of his own. So with list in hand, and utterly unfunny jokes from me about him telling prospective real estate agents he wanted the apartment to grow dope or breed dogs for death matches in inner city basements after midnight (in Sydney this may well get him the apartment!), we set off for a fast-paced, exquisitely-timed drive through Ashfield, Dulwich Hill, Marrickville, and sundry other suburbs. 

In the process we found wonderfully spacious apartments with carpet so worn it's presence was more a memory than a fact, places that were freshly renovated in apartments blocks that should be condemned, and one unit at the top of a building (they were all on the top floors of buildings - why are the renters closest to the sky fleeing their abodes in droves?!) crammed so full of the departing resident's boxes that getting a sense of space was a real challenge. Did we find a place to replace the tottering Samsonite tower? Not just yet but we'll press on, and if Stephen's concentration in this photo is any guide, we'll find it soon!! 

No really we will.... yes I know all the stories about Sydney's rental market, but we have a Global Financial Crisis on and ... what's that? Oh we've finished the blog for today? Oh sorry... right... no problem....


TODAY'S QUOTE : "I like the thought of dismembering you" - my boyfriend Stephen (taken wholly and completely out of context! Go on guess the actual context! I dare you! LOL)


Blogger Justin said...

Yay! Your boyfriend has a name and a face, but alas, no home, yet. Jus xo

10:16 AM  

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