Friday, December 26, 2008

Boxing My Digestive Tract Into Submission

I am fairly certain my stomach is wondering what on earth has hit it. After weeks of mostly very healthy eating, and swimming and walking, not to mention frenetic forward momentum (I gave up running backwards when I kept hitting telegraph poles, and going backwards in time proved a tad problematic), it has been met with endless sloth, and indolence, and more food thatn you could poke a fork at..... I keep telling myself I will abstain and just eat vegetables on dry stale bread, but amazingly very aggressive handfuls, nay shover fulls, of cashews, Lindor Balls and jubes throw themselves, wantonly, and with complete disregard for my waistline, into my mouth.... and then hit a very confused stomach... I am inclined though to let it stay befuddled and enjoy this excess of fabulous food for as long as I can.... now for the pork roast Mum has just cooked, followed by pavlova.... with lots of fruit though, and fruit is undeniably fantastically good for you.... yes it is...

Anyway I need some nourishment after an exhausting afternoon of watching "The Wedding Planner" and parts of "Ocean's 11" and reading the 7th book in "The Saga of the Seven Suns", and napping.... yes napping is exhausting.... hmm perhaps I am doing it wrong....

Right well I hear crackling calling me... must run!


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