Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Gonna Party Like It's My Birthday! OK it is....

Most people fear birthdays, running from them like they're knife-wielding attackers on a bloodthirsty rampage killing off all vestiges of their youth.... but most people aren't extrovertive Sagitarians that are young at heart and realise, without resorting to clumsy cliches, that age is just a paper thin number, and only defines you if you let it. That's not to say I spend my days in my personal sand pit playing with Tonka trunks in a bid to recapture my fleeting childhood (think of how much the Tonka trunks would be on Ebay to start with!!); what it does mean is that I refuse to let myself fossilize in place, preferring to charge ever forward, listen to new music, keep reading, listening, partying, exploring, having fun, and making sure life never enters some bizarre twisted Groundhog Day phase......

As I dash off to work (an act that in itself veers dangerously close to Groundhog Day land), I am thankful that I have a wonderful family, brilliant caring friends, a great place to live with a wonderful house mate, a fun job with an understanding boss and great colleagues.... and a partridge in a pear tree.... sadly no... all that to say that while life may definitely feel like a psychotic roller coaster screaming around one too many hairpin bends, and me without my vomit bag, that I am glad to be here, 43 years old, and still raring to kick the tires of life and see where it will take me.... OMG I just used a manly sporting metaphor.... in my birthday blog.... I am old.....LOL.... kidding...here's to the next 43!! OK how about the next one for now, and we'll see how we go with that.....


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