Friday, October 31, 2008

Apples..... and Seattle Oranges

Guess what I discovered? Oddly enough, not that I was adopted, or that Pink's hair isn't actually pink - for the record, I am not adopted and yes I know Pink's name is a nom de plume, or whatever the singing version is termed - but that the Australian Tax Office's much vaunted e-tax doesn't work on iMacs!! I know, what kind of wacko oversight is that? Here they are even sending me text messages urging me to get my tax in, and use e-tax to do it, and then this!! Admittedly I have left the joy of doing tax, and let's face it why holiday in the Bahamas when you can stay home and do tax right, to the very last day - I am either doing something the VERY moment you can do it, or leaving it to the last time-crushing minute (where I get to experience it with the rest of humanity - yippee!!) - and so now I am scrambling to get access to my house mate's PC. Thank goodness he hasn't seen the light and switched to an iMac, otherwise I'd be doing my tax at an internet cafe/jewelry store/pet supplies depot, and you just know the kitty litter will just get everywhere don't you? Thank goodness my house mate still worships at Bill Gate's possibly (and don't quote me on this) badly pedicured feet, instead of Steve Job's no doubt immaculate hoofers....

....I do wonder though why I pay my taxes...... well apart from the fact that if I don't I will get fined, thrown into jail, and possibly traded to another country in a carbon emissions trading scheme (and you just know it won't be a cool country like Iceland)..... when my very own tax office can't find someone somewhere who can program for iMacs! I may suggest they take one of those nifty courses at the Apple Temple in George Street, Sydney where you can learn all about using iMacs (as well as no doubt why Apple is quite likely the way to eternal salvation... no really.... that's what I have heard)...I may even use my tax return - and after all this stress there had better be one!! LOL - to purchase a gift certificate for them to attend said course..... ahhh, who am I kidding? LOL I will, as always, spend it on wine, men and singing, which as we all know, is a very sensible investment option in this financially unsettling times.... yes use denial to block out reality... it has always worked for me, and so too the Tax Office who apparently have been too busy carousing with wine, men & song to update e-tax!


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