Saturday, October 18, 2008


I am 42 years old. I have witnessed much.... and I have been exposed to much Hollywood-generated hype. It's effect on me is generally not what the rabid marketers intended (salivating as they are at all the expected sales they envisage will flow from their strenuous promotion) - I switch off, automatically assume the product being spruiked is a pop culture mongrel in desperate need of a decent and fast death & burial, and divert my attention elsewhere. It isn't hard to find something else to delight the senses in this pop-culture saturated world. 

But something about Wall-E kept capturing my attention. Yes I am a Pixar tragic from way back (with the odd exception of Cars) and yes, a quality movie, which this one clearly was judging by all the positive reviews it had garnered, will always draw me in, but there was something else that kept nagging at me. An intangible sense that this movie was something really special, and that's an unusual sensation in an era when quality is often swamped by mediocre quantity....

So last Tuesday night I took advantage of Tight Ass Tuesday, and went to see this movie that my inner pop culture bitch had proclaimed would be superlative, and worthy of the hype..... and it was! It was without a doubt one of the most intelligent, intellectually and emotionally, well-rounded, heartfelt movies I have seen in years, and with minimal dialogue too. Everything was handled with just the right amount of attention from the establishing of Wall-E's character at the start of the film to his romance with EVE to the return to Earth by the obese relics of the human race..... and suffused with a slapstick humour that complemented rather than detracted from the touching events that unfolded. This is a movie truly worthy of the word "classic", and I have already proclaimed it "DVD Worthy" (yes I know I should be hip and call it Download Legally Worthy but it just have the same ring!), and I dare say I shall be watching this long after the hype has subsided, and the frenzied marketers are drooling into their bedpans in a nursing home......


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