Thursday, March 26, 2009

Project 289 - Day 9 : He Said "Lettuce eat and be merry"

Catching up with very close friends is a wonderful thing at any time, but never more so than in the middle of a frantic day at the corporate coal face. Usually my days are so busy that eating lunch at my desk is the norm - and let's face it, it has all the ambience of a toxic waste dump in the middle of Summer. Yes that much! LOL - but every so often I escape the Cubicle O' Grey, walk briskly across campus (except on really hot days when it's Walk Slow, Don't Sweat) and enjoy lunch at the food court with someone who doesn't want a meeting scheduled, report created, or document printed.

My friend Justin (pictured with the remains of his Rocket salad in the food court) is one of those special people, and working nearby in the corporate wilds of North Ryde, he manages to see me more than most. Some days it's just a general How Is Your Life catch up, but other days it's more of a Friends Therapy Session (but without Ross or Rachel, who beyond funny one liners aren't much help in solving the great dilemmas of life). Either way time with Justin, who I met some years back via a Tuesday night movie group I started is witty, articulate, sweet and a great listener...... and doesn't want anything more than a friendly conversation. In a corporate world where I am at everyone's beck and call, that's a thing to be treasured!


Blogger Justin said...

You are too kind! Jus xo

8:32 AM  

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