Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Project 289 - Day 14 : What Are Gorgeous Boyfriends Made Of? Kisses and salmon and melons and cupcakes.....YUM!

So how did the great and glorious 3 Month Anniversary dinner go? Wonderfully, of course! Well I always knew that my partner and I would have a lovely time, but confident though I am, I wasn't entirely convinced I could prepare and serve (with suitable grace and efficiency!) an entree, main and dessert the way I wanted it done. In the end though I managed it - it's amazing what you can accomplish in 1 hour and 20 minutes!! My beautiful guest turned up with a dazzling Verdelho and a yummy dessert wine, and together we had the sort of deeply romantic night where we affirmed how much we mean to each other, while cramming in more calories into our bodies in one sitting than clowns into a Mini!!!

Here is the entree - honeydew melon & rockmelon (one melon per tray) delicately wrapped in Panchetta with rockmelon and honeydew melon triangles for decoration. Way more entree that the two of us could manage but oh so yummy and delicious by candlelight!

The came the main meal which my boyfriend helped me cook - he definitely knows his way around a kitchen. The salmon was panfried in lime and lemon juice and placed on a bed of wild rice/white rice and mushroom, with honey and sesame seed carrots, and asparagus on the side. I know I cooked it and likely am breaking a cook's code by saying this, but it was delish! (You'll note, naturally, the arty way I worked my boyfriend's foot into the frame! LOL)

... and then, of course dessert which was hot pink frosted cupcakes! What?! Isn't that a tad too "low art" for the "high art" entree and main that preceded it? LOL Well besides the fact that don't make such distinctions (far too discriminatory for my tastes), the cupcakes had a huge sentimental significance since they were one of the food items we made for Fair Day back in February and so meant a lot to both of us. Plus they're yummy and all the icing and lollies gave us a fabbo sugar high!! Wheeeeeeeeee!!! LOL

Finally here we are after a fabulous night of eating, kissing and enjoying each other's company. Happy Anniversary babe - it's been the best 3 months of my life!
(Oh yeah, and there are 5 photos instead of the usual 1. But I figure it's my Project - I created the rules, and I shall break them! LOL


Blogger Justin said...

I love Stephen's foot. Give me more! Jus xo

8:13 AM  
Blogger Andrew said...

LOL So many requests for more pix of his foot it makes me dizzy! LOL Wait for my upcoming eb site - www.stephenshotfoot.com

5:39 PM  

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