Saturday, October 31, 2009

Project 289 - Day 226 (Thursday 29 October 2009) : Chilling in Suburbia

After an oh-so frenetic day of shopping a the mall - and isn't the expenditure of money just so exhausting? LOL - I required a day of lying by the pool in my Speedos, cabana boys attending to my every dietary need and a good book in my hand....

This being Vancouver in the Autumn what I got, and it's even more delightful by my standards, was a day of playing Farmtown (a Facebook application that is horrendously addictive and so much fun!!), eating lunch at Earl's with Ken (I had two concktails at lunchtime! A Lemon Meringue and a Beach Mojito which totally trumps the sandwich and low fat yoghurt I normally have!!), buying some grocoeries (hey it's a Canadian supermarket so it's got to be more fun and exotic than shopping @ the Monolith aka Woolies), and then cooking my world famous (OK only Sandra and Ken outside of Oz have tasted it but they lived somewhere else in the world, hence 'world famous'... I rest my case) Morrocan Meatballs for them......

All in all, a delightfully non-scheduled, unscripted, all over the shop kind of day and worlds away removed from my usual frantic, over-regulated, Outlook-enslaved days....

Friday, October 30, 2009

Project 289 - Day 225 (Wednesday 28 October 2009) : I Was Like, Totally, Shopping at the Mall, Like, All Day

Yes today I hit the mall!

In a time honoured tradition stretching back to my first major trip to see Sandra in Vancouver in 1997, I travelled to work with her - she happens to work across (her building below) from the second biggest mall in all of Canada at Metrotown as luck would have it - and after seeing her to her building, I had breakfast at Starbucks (I have special dispensation from my beautiful guy to eat and drink there while on holidays!) till the stores opened at 10 a.m..... and then it was on!

First stop Chapters megastore where I browsed for ages, helped along by the very chatty, lovely Lisa who helped me finded all the books I wanted and even some I didn't know I wanted! Best of all I found the new CD by Chantal Kreviazuk, my favourite Canadian artist, a CD I didn't even know existed so colour me thrilled and delighted! Then it was off to Hallmark and Carlton Cards for Christmas ornaments before lunch with Sandra at Thai House with a particularly feisty orange - yep orange! - Pad Thai front and centre.....

Back into the mall via Future Shop where I picked up some DVD sets including "Big Bang Theory" and Parks and Recreation" and then HMV for a book, CD and DVD set... a moose, some fridge magnets, and I am fairly a stray partridge in a pear tree, followed and I caught the train home with Sandra exhausted after much mall criss-crossing....

I just had just enough strength when I got home to have some wine with Elissa, one of Sandra's neighbours I got to know well 4 years ago, and after watching "Cougar Town", a very funny new comedy starring an ex-Friend, Courtney Cox, I hit the hay and slept VERY soundly till 7.40 a.m. Thursday morning...

Project 289 - Day 224 (Tuesday 27 October 2009): More Flying but Back in Canada At Last!

I have a dear wonderful friend Kerry who regards getting on planes to anywhere as 'jet therapy' - for her, not the planes! - but I merely regard planes as a way to get to where the therapy happens....

Today involved lots of airports, waiting at airports, and flying but to leaven all that, it also involved a long langorous breakfast of scrambled eggs in a sourdough basket at Boudin's with Warren, another trip to the fabulously exotic (not!) world of Wahlgreen's, a rushed trip to Ghiradelli Square for last minute photos and Halloween chocolate purchases, and a mad dash back to the Argonaut Hotel (you must stay there - its brilliant!!!) where thankfully my already packed bags awaited.....

After all the less than thrilling airport stuff, I was picked up at Vancouver airport by my long standing very special friend, Sandra, who it was wonderful to see after a 4 year absence, and talking all the way we caught the Sky Train to Waterfront station, and then Westcoaster commuter train back to Port Coquitlam where Ken picked us up. The night was such a joy - seeing dear friends again, drinking wine, eating salmon, seeing how much their kids Katie and Graham had grown, and being thrilled to be back in my second home, Vancouver.

Ah its good to be home!!

Project 289 - Day 223 (Monday 26 October 2009) : Over the Bridge and Far Away

I didn't sleep as well as I thought I would - jet lag exhaustion and all that - but I felt reasonably perky and I met Waz (my friend) at 7.30 the next morning in the lobby and we struck out along Jefferson Street for someone fun to have breakfast. Not much was open at that time of the morning surprisingly for a tourist district, but after the pell mell crush of the tourist throngs the day before, it was nice to have the street almost to ourselves.

We soon found ourselves at Boudin's, San Francisco's oldest sourdough bakery (although who knows which bakery is the oldest maker of bagels etc) and enjoyed a breakfast of juice and croissants (Waz had a latte I think, which is a critically important thing for you to know I think!) before heading back to the hotel, after a brief detour to Wahlgreen's (pharmacy/Big W-esque place).

We met the others at Blazing Saddles (what a phenomenally great name right?! After the ride that's how my ass felt too!! Ouch!), a company which rents out bikes to tourists so they can ride all across San Francisco and discover just how insanely unfit they actually are! Actually they don't say that surprisingly, but after we'd set out from the wharf, I discovered that my biking fitness was not fabulous, largely given that I had last biked sometime before George Dubya commences his blighted reign as US President. The supposedly flat landscape around the Bay had a few rather steep hills that our Blazing Saddles slaes gal neglected to comment on, but once I didn't die climbing these (thanks to a crash course in bike gears by Waz's friend, Warren - thanks mate!), the ride around the Bay and onto the Golden Gate Bridge, on what was a clear, non-foggy sunshiney day, was a sheer delight.
We stopped every 100m for a picture or 300 of the Bridge and ourselves in front of it, and I have to say that riding across the Bridge itself - thankfully in the pedestrian lane! - was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. I had driven over it before, and seen it from plenty of angles on my first 3 visits to San Francisco, but seeing the towers soaring above you into clear blue sky as you gaze back (quickly lest you take out pedestrians!!) onto the Bay, the city skyline and Alcatraz, was damn near magical, and the highlight of the holiday.... on day 2!!

Just beautiful, amazing and the best way to see San Francisco....

Once across the Bridge, and the obligatory stop at Vista Point - which sounds uncannily like the sort of place the Fonz would have made out at! - we headed downhill (mostly!) to "sunny Sausalito" (the sales gal's words), a small funky village full of great cafes and one-of-a-kind shops where we ate a delicious seafood pasta lunch at "Spinnakers", drank 3 bottles of "Folies et Deux" wine from the Napa Valley, before starting on a 2 hour shopping spree where I grabbed a fabulously colourful totally unique clock (hello carry-on luggage headache!), and some seriously cool Christmas ornaments including a pink "Hello Kitty" ornament and one in the shape of a buff, HOT bartended mermaid.... yeah sounds weird but it will look fantastic on the tree this year!

Our orgy of shopping done - hmm that makes it sounds kinda dirty! LOL - we boarded the ferry back to SF (I couldn't have ridden back up the hill into Sausalito if I wanted to!) along with about 100 other bikers - the ferry was jammed with b ikers but amazingly getting off was smooth and trouble free, thank the gods! - and leaving the girls at the hotel, Waz, Jason, Warren and I cycled UP Hyde Street so we could ride down the crooked street, Lombard..... OK we rode up 2 of the 4 blocks till the hill became almost vertical, and only Warren made it up the 3rd block before also admitting defeat. Even walking up those hills was a massive feat of endurance and I have never been happier to reach a destination. EVER! Fortunately, and with my lungs about to explode which could have had a less than favourable effect on the rest of the holiday had they gone off, the ride sound Lombard was absolutely incredible. I had my brakes on pretty much the whole time, and it was a white-knuckle, heart-pounding, endoprhin-coursing ride but OMG it was so totally worth it!!!

After that I needed a shower (but not as you might think to clean up a certain part of my anatomy after all that fear! LOL) and then we were off to The Castro, the gay heart of San Francisco. Alas it was a Monday night - a fearfully cold, windy Monday night with no one much out - but we still had a fantastic night out. Dinner was at Nirvana's (delish cocktails, fun finger food and a great straight waiter!), dessert (minus Warren and Leith) of chocolate cake and port was at Blush, a seriously sexy intimate wine bar (with a very cute bar tender...YUM!)....

....and after dessert drinks at midnight were at Twin Peaks just near where the trolley left from (pic of me below on the antique trolley car). By this stage, Waz and Jason were quite seriously tipsy and weird things were done with pumpkins (what happens at Twin Peaks stays at Twin Peaks) before we caugh a taxi home. It wasn't so much a debauched night out in the gay quarter - not that I'd planned one anyway! - but it was great to finally see the gay heartland and briefly be a part of it...
....... and then mercifully I slept.... bliss mark 2....

Project 289 - Day 222 (Sunday 25 October 2009) : Come Fly Away, Come Fly etc.

I can't believe its arrived so quickly! My two week overseas trip to the USA and Canada!

I will my beautiful guy a lot, but I am excited to be seeing my friend Warren in San Francisco (where he's holidaying for a week) and then onto Vancouver to see Sandra & Ken, very special long time friends....


Air NZ, and no this blog isn't 'monetized' to use a particuarly snappy piece of corporate speak, is my airline of choice, and once again they didn't disappoint. From the moment of take-off from Sydney (my beautiful guy, above, farewells me at the airport) through to landing in San Francisco (and yes even in the 3 hour layover in Auckland, which actually whipped by quite smartly), everyone I dealt with was genuinely friendly, warm (gotta love a person with a pulse I guess!) and dedicated to making our time in the thin metal tube aka the plane, as pleasant an experience as it could be. In a sign too, that the apocalypse is nigh, the food was delicious - the bread buns were even hot and soft! I know! - and they haa movies on the entertainment system I actually wanted to see! So in quick order, with 4-5 hours of sleep in there somewhere too (a miracle given my inability to sleep on planes generally) I watched "The Moon" (excellent with a good dollop of intrigue and conspiracy!), "I Hate Valentine's Day" (a serviceable enough romantic comedy), and "The Time Traveller's Wife" (a touching, beautiful story of love) and a couple of episodes of "Big Bang Theory" which is freakin' hi-larious!! Who knew?!

Yes the man across the aisle snored with enough force to shake the wings off the plane (thankfully he didn't - apparently the airplane manufacturers allowed for that!) and a baby kept crying somewhere, but on a scale where (1) means I want to get this flight so badly I will parachute out the toilet chute to (10) which is I love this flight so much I want to metaphorically get the trays in the non upright position and haeve it's babies at altitude, the flight scored a 9, which means..... hey we didn't crash!! My favoruite rating of all!


Thanks to that wacky dateline and its ability to have everyone living different slabs of the day at different times, I arrived in San Francisco at the same time I left Sydney - which means the flight above happened in an instant of wishful thinking right? Hmm and yet I have luggage - cleared customs and immigration with ease (even with my thug-like passport photo!), found my bags, got the Air Train to Terminal 3, found Warren and his friends, Jason & Melinda, and Warren & Leith, and headed into San Francisco in record time.

The hotel was just lovely and right in the heart of Fisherman's Wharf. After showering - oh blessed water, soap and shampoo I love thee!! - we went for a walk along the piers, found where our boat to Alcatraz was leaving from, ate a hotdog (yes a healthy holiday already! Count the calories - ka-splat!), and went off a 1/2 hour cruise (not 3 hours thankfully) to Alcatraz where we took a 45 minute guided audio tour of the former Federal prison, immortalised in 'The Rock', 'The Birdman of Alcatraz' etc. The site is now a National Park of sorts, and the audio tour, narrated by former inmates and prison guards, was fascinating. The various hallways had names like 'Broadway' and 'Times Square' and the stories were equally enthralling and appalling. I held up pretty well considering all the jetlag, which mercifully was not too brutal this time around.

I did feel a little sleepy on the ride back to Fisherman's Wharf but after a brisk walk through the chilly night air, and lots of fun animated conversation with Warren's friends who are just delightful, and wickedly funny, I woke up again and we had a very yummy seafood dinner at the weirdly named 'Pompei's Grotto'....
But that was all I could manage, and while the others went off for drinks at the hotel bar, I slid into bed and sleep-drenched oblivion....bliss....

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Project 289 - Day 221 : Yum Cha Cha Cha!

Today my beautiful guy, who is charming as all get-out - no, I have no idea what that means but Americans love using the phrase - charmed the socks off my Mum and Dad, my Uncle and Aunt (see below), and my brother's girlfriend, Amy (he had met my brother before who was keen to see him again) at Yum Cha @ Marigold in the City. The conversation didn't falter once, my beautiful guy even made my Mum laugh once, and in one 2 hour meal, the last gaping wound in my life was finally sealed!

I am happy and overjoyed at one of the best days of my life.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Project 289 - Day 220 : Smurfing Up, Up and Away!

I finished my last day of work by 4 pm after running around like a madman - so pretty much like any day really! Well bar the insanely early finish of course! - and made it home in time to swim 500m, finally pack my suitcases (mostly) and await the arrival of my beautiful guy for a relaxing night of pizza, wine and cuddling.

Now I am all ready to go smurfing away (I will be carrying two smurf figurines with me that represent him and I) knowing I will have fun but missing him greatly...

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Project 289 - Day 219 : I Am in Awe and Oh So Grateful

Life is wonderful and takes amazing twists and turns when we least expect it.

Tonight turn was a doozy of such epic proportions that not even I was expecting it, and I dream big! My mother, upon learning that my brother and his girlfriend wouldn't arrive on a flight in time to make dinner, suggested we cancel tonight's dinner plans and have brunch on Saturday instead.

The glitch there? My brother and I had already made plans to meet for brunch, and I wasn't entirely sure that my mother (above, along with my father in a separate shot below), who in every respect is wonderfully lovely, beautiful and supportive mother (in short everything you would ever want a mother to be), would be comfortable with the attendance of my beautiful man who my brother had met previously, liked (as if there was any question of that!!) and wanted to meet again. You see, she has strong religious beliefs that up till now have made the issue of me being a screaming queen something that was acknowledged and then disregarded for 5 years or so after I officially came out.

But in a move that has left me grateful to whatever powers move the universe, and I'd still like to believe that the God of childhood is the loving being I was taught and not a capricious bigoted deity, and wants me to be happy, my mother agreed to meet my partner!! Yes she is only acknowledging him as 'my friend' for now - 'at this point' were her exact words - but she stressed that she loves me, that our relationship will never change, and that she would like to meet the man I adore and love with all my heart. (My father had no issue from the word go, god bless him, and just said to bring him along!)

I am so happy, relieved, and grateful to the universe for blessing me so. Life is GOOD!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Project 289 - Day 218 : Pack For the Trip in 4 days? Hmm Yes Maybe...

4 days out from The Trip and this is what I have packed.... or rather haven't packed!

In my defense, all these items will be going with me, and are within 10 metres of the suitcase that will do all the transporting. So they are ridiculously close to getting packed...

Yep, so close its scary.... or is it just scary? I did mean to start packing much earlier but the week has been chaotic and busy, and really.... well... I never pack early! So why start now?

Good to see I am at least consistent...

Project 289 - Day 217 (Tuesday 20 October 2009) : It's All Go-Go-Goa With Me!

My wonderful Mum and Dad are in town (they are to the left and right of me in the photo below), along with my Uncle Gary and Aunty Helen, to settle my Great Aunt Lizzie's will and retrace some childhood haunts. I don't get to see them all that often (although this year I have seen them much more than usual which has been brilliant) since they live 1000km to the north, so we went out for dinner at a fabulous Indian restaurant in Pyrmont called "Viva Goa" - yep I guess the photo is a dead giveaway! - which featured warm, friendly service, delicious food that was so different to the usual Indian fare (which I hasten to add, I adore but something different is always good right?)..... and very steep hills between it and the apartment they were all staying in!

Let's just say that after pushing Dad in his wheelchair, and Aunty Helen in hers, to and from the restaurant, that Uncle Gary and I earned our dinners!! Plus I worked the meal off quite nicely so that was a plus! Next time though we get a taxi!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Project 289 - Day 216 : You Silly Organic Sausage!

Today was surprisingly for a Monday, a good day at work. I got lots done, had my new personal loan approved (in the nick of time, just before I fly overseas on Sunday), came home and swam for the first time in 4 weeks (750m, which amazed me), blogged, talked to my friend Kerry, watched episodes 3 & 4 of "Stargate Universe".... and cooked and ate organic chicken sausages with sweet potato mash and brussels sprouts and broccoli.

You may say that that is the hardly the sort of stuff that makes up a thrilling life, but it was a good day, a relaxing but productive night, and I finished it off with a 2o minute conversation with my beautiful guy, who I love more every time I see or speak to him. I am beyond ecstatic with the wonderful life I have been given.

It's all good....

Project 289 - Day 215 (Sunday 18th October 2009) : Classically Speaking

I got some more Kul-cha today. Lots of Kul-cha in fact....

I went to see the Australia Chamber Orchestra at the Concert Hall of the Opera House with my beautiful guy (to my left, in the photo) and his friends, Alan and Peita. My beautiful guy and Alan go all the time and this was my chance to see a little bit more of what's important to my man, and what he enjoys.... and you know what?

For a boy who prefers to listen to PINK! and Imogen Heap, the ACO was actually very, very good. They played a Handel piece, some Tchaikovsky, and a hauntingly beautiful piece with an almost cinematic quality to it by a talented Latvian composer, Vaskas. Just gorgeous!

Following the concert we went to Alan and Peita's for dinner at their apartment in Potts Point with its fantastic views of the Harbour Bridge and Opera House. The entrees were delicious (lemon wedge filled green olives, dried chill olives, radish wedges with sea salt), the main meal sublime (slow-cooked chicken in a red wine sauce) with sweet ginger tea and a small rum-soaked pastry to follow. Add to that intelligent, fun, conversation with two very delightful people, and my beautiful guy and I had a wonderful, if full-on day.

Project 289 - Day 214 (Saturday 17 October 2009) : More Birth-Day Calories

So on what has to be one of the loveliest Spring days ever - sunny and cool but not too cool - my beautiful guy and I, along with Fahmi, traipsed across to our friends, John and Essie for a beautifully laid back birthday lunch for Essie (14th) and John (17th). I consumed far too much bright red creaming soda for my own good - which possibly accounts for my more-than-usual hyperactive rambles in the car afterwards! - watched as my beautiful guy, Fahmi and Johnworked to part assemble John's birthday present (a BBQ), and had a ball amusing the 18 month old twins.

Oh and we ate yesterday's cake and eevryone loved it! Quite a bit more I'd say than the rejected cajun one!!

Finished off the day with a visit to an art gallery in Darlinghurst showing art made from discarded street posters by my beautiful guy's friend, Bill Luke - really creative and the sort of stuff I'd happily hang on my wall if I could afford the very high prices! - and an early evening coffee with my very good friend, Justin. Then home to watch "Heart and Soul" and crash out snuggled in my baby's arms.

A perfect day!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Project 289 - Day 213 : If I Knew You Were Coming, I'd Have Baked a Cake.... Oh Wait I Did!

The intention tonight was to bake a Betty Crocker Devils Food Cake (naturally its chocolate!!) and then ice it Saturday morning, just before the BBQ Birthday lunch we'd been invited to. Alas we switched off the timer in the microwave while cooking dinner, got engrossed in a TV show and then 20 minutes after the recommended cooking time, were greeted by the acrid aroma of a cake that had spent waaaaay too much time in the oven. Turfed from the pan as I desperately tried to see if it could be saved, it clunked like a brick onto the kitchen bench and that, my friends, was that. Cajun brick cake....

So the next day I went to the supermarket, booked two sponge slabs - I don't usually like sponge because it's too bland - and zhoushed it up with chocolate cream sauce, Betty Crocker chocolate cream topping, jelly babies, fruit and nut Toblerone, 100s and 100s and Smarties spelling out "H B" which was my hip, 21st Century KFC-esque way of saying "Happy Birthday!"

The best part? It tasted freaking amazing!! YUM!!!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Project 289 - Day 212 : iTunes at the End of a Long and Tiring Day

I love iTunes.

All the fun of music shopping at any time of the day or night and with all sorts of fun musical options. I have become quite the legal online music purchase addict with about 500 songs downloaded in the last year, much to my amazement. OK, I wasn't amazed at all - I am a music junkie and iTunes is my dealer! Hmm, I daresay that may not be the tag on their ad campaign but it's the truth!

Of course I still love wandering through HUM or JB Hi-Fi where you can stumble across music that you might miss otherwise. While Amazon has a nifty 'If you liked this, you'll like this', iTunes Genius, which purports to do much the same thing, is quite as good yet. Knowing Apple, it likely soon will be, but for now, I am happy to download lots of stuff on iTunes while reserving the right to browse when I am in the mood for an unexpected discovery.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Project 289 - Day 211 : O-O-O-Opera!

Free tickets to see Cosi Fan Tutte tonight at the Opera House!

The weather was sublime, and after a delicious dinner at the Paragon Hotel at Circular Quay - the pub itself, not the McDonalds thank you! - my beautiful guy and I plus his friends Alan and Peita and four of their friends, settled in for what turned out to be a very funny, energetically acted and sung opera. I have seen very little opera till this year, and this production continued continued what has been a very enjoyable education. The set was dramatically stark and modernist, the costumes fabulous (red and yellow soldier uniforms anyone?!), and the voice superb. There was even a mock Japanese wedding constantly morphing into various configurations in the background which I think represented the presence of true love, when everyone is unsure of who they love, and why....

Or it could have just been an excuse for more fabulous costumes! Hmm, think that's most likely the answer!

Project 289 - Day 210 (Tuesday 13 October 2009): Pretty Lights....Pre-tty Lights..... Ahhhh

I went to see "Julie and Julia" (which was just delightful - Meryl Streep is a gem!!) at George Street cinemas in the City with my beautiful guy, and my very good friend, Fahmi and on the way back to the carpark in Kent Street, we came across all this fabulously bright artwork in the alleyway between George and Kent Streets.

The colours and styles were amazing and in the late evening darkness, looked magical and fun.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Project 289 - Day 209 : Leftovers of the Day That Was

The first day back at work is never kind but today wasn't so bad thanks to a quiet, chilled weekend, where I relaxed and did as little as possible, that kept me feeling quite stress free and zen-like at work.

Deciding that the best thing to do is to prolong the chilled vibe as long as humanly possible (and given I am human that should be pretty achievable, one would think), I ate leftovers tonight, read a book (not a whole one - all that over achieving would be too much effort for a vegetable-imitating tone), blogged and watched TV..... I shall soon slip into a coma so zen-like shall I be....

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Project 289 - Day 208 : Brunching With Moose

Yes, no dancing with wolves (who are notioriously left footed and can't tango to save themselves) but definitely brunching with moose, which is always a delight....

In actual fact, there was no real moose - a pity as they're polite and decorous at all times (except during mating season when it's a good thing to not invite them to anything) - but I did brunch with my beautiful guy, my close friend Fahmi and three other people, one of whom was a mutual friend called John. I managed to quaff two hot chocolates while sitting outside the newly opened cafe run by a gay couple John knows well, and enjoyed fabulous conversation on what was a sublimely lovely day.....

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Project 289 - Day 207 : Hello Otto!

After a crazy frantic week, where too much work, and not enough time was the uninspired order of the day, and Outlook tyranny ruled with no one to oppose it - where's a hippie using Apple when you need them?! - my beautiful guy and I slept RIGHT in, finally moseying out at what we like to call the 'crack of dawn' - 12 noon...... and ended up at Cafe Otto on Glebe Point Road for a yummy brunch, followed by an amble down the thronging thoroughfare to an antiques store, Gleebooks, and Glebe Markets where I bought a red baseball cap, some flavoured licorice (strawberry and cream anyone, and a Smurf .... yes a Smurf .... why not? It was that kind of day.

Enough said.

Project 289 - Day 206 (Friday 9 October 2009) : Hamming It Up with Beef and Lamb

TGIF is supposed to be a dreamy state of mind, where work is considered but only done if its absolutely necessary, and if it can be pushed on to Monday where dreaminess is banned, and jackbooted misery reigns, then it should be....

..... alas, whoever created my day didn't get the script and there was much anxiety, work overlord, and emotional exhaustion culminating in me crying to the HR lady. Yep not pretty, and it did not a thing for any tattered macho credentials I was clinging to... OK they were long gone but the point remains..... which is.... um, it wasn't the best of days really....

Until that afternoon when the group I was in presented to the Managing Director of the division (who I directly work for!) in what are being called the Friday Forums. The theme was customer experience, the people I was working with were a hoot, and the context to convey our message, a send up of 'Who Wants to be a Millionaire', was so much fun. We all hammed it up terribly, got the message across while having a ball, and I managed an 11 on the gay scale of 1 to 10. Yes it was that much fun!

Thursday, October 08, 2009

Project 289 - Day 205 : Through a Physio Table Closely

At the end of yet another horrifically stressful day with no actual lunchtime, and more tasks than some character in a sci-fi fantasy quest to save the world, I finished the day stressed beyond measure and needing to relax....

Thankfully today was physio day and after much pummeling, massaging with oils, and heat packs (just what I needed on an insanely cold day with biting, doesn't-play-well-with-other-weather-systems, winds), I emerged a much more limber, Chill Pickle, a term coined by my friend, Warren, and one that is oddly appealing.

So in honour of all the chilling at the hands of my physio, here's the view I get each time I lie on his table of his, um floor.... thrilling isn't it?

Of course, if I tire of that, there's always the view of his office, (below) which think it best I simply close my eyes, and imagine myself lying on a sun-drenched beach somewhere.....

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Project 289 - Day 204 : Not So Much Dancing On, As Staring At, The Ceiling

Isn't this an exciting, fascinating view of the ceiling of my bedroom?

You may well wonder if I have completely lost my mind. Yes, you want to know about my life, and my days that make it up, but isn't this a bridge too far... or too bland? Possibly, but after yet another mind-crushingly exhausting 12 hour day at work, and a whole 1 1/2 hours to myself from when I got home till I went to bed, all I was capable of was lying on my bed watching the ceiling...

One major observation - my ceiling is very, very, VERY white.... too white in fact.....

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