Monday, October 19, 2009

Project 289 - Day 215 (Sunday 18th October 2009) : Classically Speaking

I got some more Kul-cha today. Lots of Kul-cha in fact....

I went to see the Australia Chamber Orchestra at the Concert Hall of the Opera House with my beautiful guy (to my left, in the photo) and his friends, Alan and Peita. My beautiful guy and Alan go all the time and this was my chance to see a little bit more of what's important to my man, and what he enjoys.... and you know what?

For a boy who prefers to listen to PINK! and Imogen Heap, the ACO was actually very, very good. They played a Handel piece, some Tchaikovsky, and a hauntingly beautiful piece with an almost cinematic quality to it by a talented Latvian composer, Vaskas. Just gorgeous!

Following the concert we went to Alan and Peita's for dinner at their apartment in Potts Point with its fantastic views of the Harbour Bridge and Opera House. The entrees were delicious (lemon wedge filled green olives, dried chill olives, radish wedges with sea salt), the main meal sublime (slow-cooked chicken in a red wine sauce) with sweet ginger tea and a small rum-soaked pastry to follow. Add to that intelligent, fun, conversation with two very delightful people, and my beautiful guy and I had a wonderful, if full-on day.


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