Monday, October 19, 2009

Project 289 - Day 216 : You Silly Organic Sausage!

Today was surprisingly for a Monday, a good day at work. I got lots done, had my new personal loan approved (in the nick of time, just before I fly overseas on Sunday), came home and swam for the first time in 4 weeks (750m, which amazed me), blogged, talked to my friend Kerry, watched episodes 3 & 4 of "Stargate Universe".... and cooked and ate organic chicken sausages with sweet potato mash and brussels sprouts and broccoli.

You may say that that is the hardly the sort of stuff that makes up a thrilling life, but it was a good day, a relaxing but productive night, and I finished it off with a 2o minute conversation with my beautiful guy, who I love more every time I see or speak to him. I am beyond ecstatic with the wonderful life I have been given.

It's all good....


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