Monday, October 19, 2009

Project 289 - Day 214 (Saturday 17 October 2009) : More Birth-Day Calories

So on what has to be one of the loveliest Spring days ever - sunny and cool but not too cool - my beautiful guy and I, along with Fahmi, traipsed across to our friends, John and Essie for a beautifully laid back birthday lunch for Essie (14th) and John (17th). I consumed far too much bright red creaming soda for my own good - which possibly accounts for my more-than-usual hyperactive rambles in the car afterwards! - watched as my beautiful guy, Fahmi and Johnworked to part assemble John's birthday present (a BBQ), and had a ball amusing the 18 month old twins.

Oh and we ate yesterday's cake and eevryone loved it! Quite a bit more I'd say than the rejected cajun one!!

Finished off the day with a visit to an art gallery in Darlinghurst showing art made from discarded street posters by my beautiful guy's friend, Bill Luke - really creative and the sort of stuff I'd happily hang on my wall if I could afford the very high prices! - and an early evening coffee with my very good friend, Justin. Then home to watch "Heart and Soul" and crash out snuggled in my baby's arms.

A perfect day!


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