Thursday, October 22, 2009

Project 289 - Day 219 : I Am in Awe and Oh So Grateful

Life is wonderful and takes amazing twists and turns when we least expect it.

Tonight turn was a doozy of such epic proportions that not even I was expecting it, and I dream big! My mother, upon learning that my brother and his girlfriend wouldn't arrive on a flight in time to make dinner, suggested we cancel tonight's dinner plans and have brunch on Saturday instead.

The glitch there? My brother and I had already made plans to meet for brunch, and I wasn't entirely sure that my mother (above, along with my father in a separate shot below), who in every respect is wonderfully lovely, beautiful and supportive mother (in short everything you would ever want a mother to be), would be comfortable with the attendance of my beautiful man who my brother had met previously, liked (as if there was any question of that!!) and wanted to meet again. You see, she has strong religious beliefs that up till now have made the issue of me being a screaming queen something that was acknowledged and then disregarded for 5 years or so after I officially came out.

But in a move that has left me grateful to whatever powers move the universe, and I'd still like to believe that the God of childhood is the loving being I was taught and not a capricious bigoted deity, and wants me to be happy, my mother agreed to meet my partner!! Yes she is only acknowledging him as 'my friend' for now - 'at this point' were her exact words - but she stressed that she loves me, that our relationship will never change, and that she would like to meet the man I adore and love with all my heart. (My father had no issue from the word go, god bless him, and just said to bring him along!)

I am so happy, relieved, and grateful to the universe for blessing me so. Life is GOOD!


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