Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Swimming Pretty in the Glass-Half-Full 2012: Day 60 - Sick again

Lots of sleeping, a stupid attempt to work on my blog which failed when I grew exhausted sitting at my computer for about 20 minutes, and at least eight more episodes of Eureka plus two of Warehouse 13 that night with Aidan.

Being sick sucks but it does have one silver lining - lots of TV watched while lying flat on my back, too tired to move.

Oh and it rained a lot....

And my delightful niece Zara reached 100cm in height. My oh my she is going to be tall, and according to her mum and my sister, she is fearless too wanting to go on all the big rides now and loving the water parks where this shot was taken.

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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Swimming Pretty in the Glass-Half-Full 2012: Day 59 - Still sick

Spent the day watching Ellen, and catching up on 4 episodes of Eureka and 5 of Glee.

And walking to the doctor to get checked out in 30+ degree humidity - thankfully doctors surgery, while spartan and industrial, was chilled like a fridge. Bliss.

Back home via Erko shops to get some meds and then home to sleep...

Post- zombie apocalypse industrial. Thankfully doctor warm and friendly.

Funky graffiti on an auctions place near the surgery on way home.

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Monday, February 27, 2012

Swimming Pretty in the Glass-Half-Full 2012: Day 58 - Home James...or Andrew

Three hours at work feeling so spaced out I finally had to leave, go home and sleep, which I did all afternoon.

My gorgeous guy had to work on some stuff that night so I stayed home, watched Alcatraz and took it very easy.

Walking home from the station

Oh and there was a trifling political contest between Rudd and Gillard to see who'd be PM. So little press coverage. Haha!

AND Sandra Bullock looked stunning in her Oscars dress which I watched in my brief moments of wakefulness that afternoon...

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Sunday, February 26, 2012

Swimming Pretty in the Glass-Half-Full 2012: Day 57 - The start of something sickly

I started to get sore throat last night which became a full blown one today. Gargling with salt and Betadine helped - the latter tastes foul! - and while my guy worked hard on one of his projects, I slept, watched Glee on my iPod, read and chilled...

... oh, and shopped for some groceries which led to this exciting shot of one of the aisles at IGA Dulwich Hill.

I know riveting right?!

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Saturday, February 25, 2012

Swimming Pretty in the Glass-Half-Full 2012: Day 56 -

Got some kulcha tonight!

That was after dinner at Botany View of course with my gorgeous guy, Steve M, Fahmi, Ian and Peter - food delicious as always and I am loving pear cider. Loving it!

Off down King Street a small way to see The Temperamentals, at New Theatre, a play about the formation of the Mattacines in 1950s USA about a group of men who tried to fight for gay rights over a decade before the Stonewall Riots, which is seen as the start of the gay rights movement. Great dialogue and well acted...

... and followed up by crepes a little further down King Street. The crepes were only so-so, but it was a fabulous way to end the night.

I am in love with pear cider.

Lamb rump, mash and haloumi - YUM!!

Peter quirkily holding his ticket 

Tickets to the the-atre!

Peter and Steve M at Kate's Crepes

Funky door wall at Kate's Crepes

Cinnamon and sugar crepe

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Friday, February 24, 2012

Swimming Pretty in the Glass-Half-Full 2012: Day 55 - TGIF Date Night

I love date night!

We have them whenever we can, especially since my guy is away most of the week for work and so tonight to make it even more special, we tried out a new very funky Vietnamese restaurant in Marrickville that he'd seen from the bus.

It was delightfully authentic - if you ignored the bold, colourful Kabuki masks adoring the main wall and ceiling, which are a tad too north and, uh, Japanese to be endemic of Indochina - and packed to the rafters. Modern decor but fun at the same time, with great service, exquisitely flavourful food, and of course, my beautiful man for company.

We will definitely be back.

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TGIF funnies

From George Takei's fabulous Facebook page:

And ambiguityreportmaybe tumblr...

and general TGIF goodness I found on the web...


Thursday, February 23, 2012

Swimming Pretty in the Glass-Half-Full 2012: Day 54 -

With my day long PR course day done and dusted - one run by the place where I work and really good: gave me a great grounding in writing press releases, media strategies etc - I shopped.

Not a lot. But it was fun!

I bought books at Kinokuniya.

Then bought some chirashi chicken, inari pack and ginger, which I ate when I got home while watching the second episode of Eureka season 3, "Have an Ice Day", which was suitably quirky and funny.

Then off to MYER where I bought a funky pink/purple/bright light blue and white shirt (first one in a long time!) and a gorgeous, yes freaking gorgeous Delonghi retro red toaster. It looks amazing!

Then  I slept for I was greatly tired...

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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Swimming Pretty in the Glass-Half-Full 2012: Day 53 -

Big day!

Or rather night.

I dashed from work to Spidersgroup (my writing group) where I ate far too many hot chips, drank a divine caramel milkshake (City Extra may be a tourist trap with prices to match but oh my lord on a trike made of fair floss, the caramel milkshakes are a sign there is a god, and he likes sugar!), and didn't write much...

... before dashing off to Newtown (after missing the 7.42 train because I sat on the wrong platform!) for a Mardi Grad Film Festival movie, Harvest, a VERY slow moving German movie which while it tried to tell a sweet love story between two farmhands, failed miserably. Thank goodness for the delightful company of Fahmi and Ian, vanilla ice cream chic tops and yummy fried rice for dinner (@ Happy Chef beforehand!).

Oh, and here's the latest shot of my darling nephew, Bodhi, in his new cardboard home:

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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Swimming Pretty in the Glass-Half-Full 2012: Day 52 - Let's get phsyio! Physio! I wanna get phsyio...

Off to the physio (or if you're the autocorrect function of my computer, the 'psychic' - the US-based software can't cope with the Aussie love of abbreviating everything) again tonight.

The new guy I am seeing - new as in not the people I was seeing in Bondi Junction who were great but too far away - at Erko Physio has taken a back that 4 weeks ago was so wracked with pain that it took me 45 minutes to get off the bed to go to the physio. It was awful and he's brought me back from the brink.

I love having my back working properly again. Now to get back into the full swing of things again (which I am hoping will include swimming again which I miss!)

The fabulous Brett who saved my back

Naturally, of course, this post calls for cat pictures from the web! (OK it actually doesn't, but when has that ever stopped me before?)

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Monday, February 20, 2012

Swimming Pretty in the Glass-Half-Full 2012: Day 51 - Lunch in my LEGO lunch box

I finally brought lunch in the new LEGO lunch box my guy gave me as one of my gifts for Valentine's Day.

It is so cool and retro and fun.

I think even the salad that's in it is feeling frisky and playful.


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Sunday, February 19, 2012

Swimming Pretty in the Glass-Half-Full 2012: Day 50 -

Another farewell to Waz, this time at Smash Sausage Kitchen on King Street.

No Fahmi as he was at an Erykah Badu concert but the rest of the gang was there - Ian, Waz, Peter, my gorgeous guy Steve and I, the sausages were delicious, the food delish (oh the sticky date pudding was superb!) and the conversation and wine flowed liberally.

It was one of those perfect nights with friends and a wonderful way to send off Waz.

We'll miss him heaps.

My guy and Peter 
Ian and I

Peter and Waz

My guy and me

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