Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Swimming Pretty in the Glass-Half-Full 2012: Day 52 - Let's get phsyio! Physio! I wanna get phsyio...

Off to the physio (or if you're the autocorrect function of my computer, the 'psychic' - the US-based software can't cope with the Aussie love of abbreviating everything) again tonight.

The new guy I am seeing - new as in not the people I was seeing in Bondi Junction who were great but too far away - at Erko Physio has taken a back that 4 weeks ago was so wracked with pain that it took me 45 minutes to get off the bed to go to the physio. It was awful and he's brought me back from the brink.

I love having my back working properly again. Now to get back into the full swing of things again (which I am hoping will include swimming again which I miss!)

The fabulous Brett who saved my back

Naturally, of course, this post calls for cat pictures from the web! (OK it actually doesn't, but when has that ever stopped me before?)

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