Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Swimming Pretty in the Glass-Half-Full 2012: Day 53 -

Big day!

Or rather night.

I dashed from work to Spidersgroup (my writing group) where I ate far too many hot chips, drank a divine caramel milkshake (City Extra may be a tourist trap with prices to match but oh my lord on a trike made of fair floss, the caramel milkshakes are a sign there is a god, and he likes sugar!), and didn't write much...

... before dashing off to Newtown (after missing the 7.42 train because I sat on the wrong platform!) for a Mardi Grad Film Festival movie, Harvest, a VERY slow moving German movie which while it tried to tell a sweet love story between two farmhands, failed miserably. Thank goodness for the delightful company of Fahmi and Ian, vanilla ice cream chic tops and yummy fried rice for dinner (@ Happy Chef beforehand!).

Oh, and here's the latest shot of my darling nephew, Bodhi, in his new cardboard home:

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