Thursday, October 31, 2013

Holding the Reins of the Runaway Extrovert 2013: Day 304 - Hallo'ween!

Aidan and I ended up having our own impromptu Halloween party with 3 plush toys I had in a box, and some Halloween TV episodes including the sixth episode of The Big Bang Theory season 1 "The Middle Earth Paradigm where everyone initially dresses as The Flash before Leonard changes into a Hobbit outfit, Howard as Robin Hood (everyone thinks he's Peter Pan), Raj as Thor and Sheldon as The Doppler Effect ... and Leonard kisses Penny for the first time.

We had some wine, laughed a lot and chilled.

Not that scary but a great way to mark the night.

Plus I gave Aidan his birthday present from Steve and I as he was heading off the next night to Canberra for the weekend with Greg and wouldn't be around.

He loved The Walking Dead card playing game and the True Blood coasters. Yay!

And Bodhi dressed up as a pirate super hero for the day at preschool. Enormously cute as always!

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Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Holding the Reins of the Runaway Extrovert 2013: Day 303 - Enough Said at Dendy with Warren

Off to see Enough Said on cheap preview tickets with Waz, which was wonderful, preceded by white wine in the foyer (thanks Waz!) and yummy Chinese food at Happy Chef afterwards.

And a relaxing walk home afterwards.

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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Holding the Reins of the Runaway Extrovert 2013: Day 302 - Justin and Fahmi and outings oh my!

Lunch with Justin as the fabulous West Juliet Street cafe for 2 delightful hours where we shared sandwiches - 12 hour pork, and chicken and lime - and a divinely yummy bowl of handcut chips.

I love catching up with Justin and we talked about anything and everything including his possible PhD and suggestions that I pursue some qualifications of a technical nature through local community colleges. I felt much better about things afterwards and as always I'm so thankful he's such a good friend.

One house was decorated ready for Halloween

As I walking into the house from where Justin dropped me off, I marvelled again at the beauty of the Jacaranda trees ...

After a nap and some blogging, off into the City with Fahmi to see The Butler, a film I won free tickets for via a Dymocks competition. 

The cookies and Maltesers were yum and the movie affecting for the most part.

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Monday, October 28, 2013

Holding the Reins of the Runaway Extrovert 2013: Day 301 - Monday bl**dy Monday

Blogging, job hunting and walking oh my! And of course the latest episode of The Walking Dead when Aidan came home, plus lunch with Elle in Newtown at Moshi Moshi Gyoza ... fab!!

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Sunday, October 27, 2013

Holding the Reins of the Runaway Extrovert 2013: Day 300 - Some kulcha and yummy Chinese

Off to the Australian Chamber Orchestra with Steve and friends Alan and Pieta, with lunch to kick things off at East Chinese restaurant.

Yummy food, fabulous weather and view and great company.

Steve and I at St Peters station

Lunch at East, Circular Quay with Alan and Pieta

Walked into Opera House via temporary stage for 40th anniversary concert in forecourt ...

The concert hall was packed for a performance by solo cellist Steven Isserlis who was amazing playing a piece by Dvorak and signed CDs and programs afterwards (Pieta and I got in line while Steve bought the CD). I forgot his name was Steven and at one point wanted MY Steve to look up and said "Look here Steve!", only realising at the last minute how over-familiar I sounded with Mr Isserlis! LOL Got a great pic though :)

They had an exhibition of Opera HOuse photographs outside Customs House which we checked out on the way to get Steve's mail.

And what day would be complete without a photo of Jordan, my adorbs little niece?

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Saturday, October 26, 2013

Holding the Reins of the Runaway Extrovert 2013: Day 299 - Carolyn, brunch and second hand fun!

We kicked off the day with croissants and juice for brunch which I got up at IGA before heading off for shopping at Rozelle Markets where I bought some cheap socks, a $5 bio on Judy Garland by Mel Torme and a $2 Christmas teddy bear holding a gift.

So much fun and finished all that shopping off with lunch at the Rosebud Cafe where we had Persian Mint Juice (mint, OJ, pineapple juice and ice) and burgers. Awesome day.

Then we dropped Carolyn at the airport and headed home for a nap. Steve wasn't feeling particularly good so he ended up sleeping for 4 hours, getting up around 6.45 so I blogged, read etc. Then we stayed in and had party pies and sausage rolls for dinner.

Zara, and friends Andre and Anton doing their best to loosen the wheel - Zara and Anton succeeded in their quest!

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