Sunday, August 21, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 232 (Saturday 20 August) - Art and Orchestra, All in One Kulcha-Laden Day

Actually the art was pretty restricted to the fact that my friend Susie and I finally caught up again one on one for the first time in a gazillion years this morning at Hazelhurst Art Gallery in Gymea. Yes folks, I returned to the Shire, my home of 17 years till I moved to the sunnier, more eclectic climes of Erskineville four years ago, and while I still have no hankering to live there again - it's a tad too white bread, suburban and well, straight for me - it was brilliant to sit down at the cafe the gallery runs, eat a massive big breakfast (with whole Shiitake mushrooms) and have a long rambling catch up with my darling friend Susie just like we did in them good old days....

Then it was back to my current haunt for an afternoon and evening with my gorgeous guy, helping him assemble a new shelving system, and then napping, before we headed into the City for a night with the Australian Chamber Orchestra (or ACO Daco as I have christened them). While I would never say I love classical music, thanks to my mother, and now my gorgeous guy I have learnt to appreciate how beautiful, moving and delightful the music can be, and especially when performed live by musicians as talented as the ones in ACO Daco. While the first half was a bit all over the place for me - loved the Bach, tolerated the Webern, and disliked the dissonance of the Stravinsky - it was the second half when the Orchestra played Schubert's String Quartet in C Major D.956, made up of four melodically different movements, that I truly enjoyed. This half went for 55 minutes but I barely noticed so engaging and beautifully played was the music.

At St Peters station on the way in - I made him pose for this shot 5 times till I thought I looked good. Such vanity...

Tonight's program

Even going home, which could have been frustrating when we missed our train by 1 minute, and faced a 30 minute wait to the next one, proved delightful as we, at my suggestion, caught the train from Wynyard to Circular Quay and took in the stunning view of the Harbour at night while we talked and relaxed.... perfect.

My new Facebook profile shot at Circular Quay station all dolled up in black for the night

Now that's a much better view than the ad-crammed soot-stained walls of Wynyard station!

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