Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 222 - Come To Your Census Will Ya?!

How frustrating!

I went home Tuesday thinking that filling in the census would be a relatively quick painless thing, much like getting needles at my endodentist who is a dab hand at piercing the gum, only to be embroiled in 45 minutes of hell as the site refused repeatedly to submit my data. Bizarrely, but completely in keeping with a public service mentality (sorry Bec if you read this!) they didn't have their call centre staffed at all after 8pm on census night! Seriously, it's been promoted as this massive BIG thing, which it is, and then when it really matters that they have people you can speak to, everyone is at home. That's wonderful and I am an ardent supporter of work life balance, but honestly one night ABS! One night!

Anyway, I chilled out, went to bed, and the next day called their helpline after 8.30 a.m. to speak with someone and the system had essentially crashed. After many fruitless attempts to speak to someone, I gave up, and thought I'd try one last time to submit my gloriously full life to the scruting of the ABS statistics-adoring nerds..... and lo, it worked!!! Thank the lord.....

At least the next one isn't for 5 years so I should have calmed down by then....

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