Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 214 - Vroom!

I had to take my boss's top level BMW series 3 all the way across town - to within 2 km of home which was awful... so close and yet it might as well have been on Mars thank you! - and after almost dying of fright worrying about driving (a) her car and (b) such an expensive car, I relaxed, got it there and back intact (much to my great relief), read lots of Twitter while the very nice guys at Spinning Wheels in Waterloo fixed the puncture and marvelled that along with the girlie calendars that they had hot men ones too. They clearly know the market in which they operate!

Waiting for the bus to work that morning

The yummy calendar in question

Dinner with my bestie from work Sammi at Miso, World Square, Sydney. Love the Blue Rocket!

Delicious moist karaage chicken & edamame beans for entree.... oishi ne!!

Now I will go happily back to driving my unassuming and cheap Hyundai....


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