Sunday, July 31, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 212 - Kohi o Nomimasu ka?

What a gloriously lazy day!

Normally my gorgeous guy would have to work at home on one of his many projects but with them winding down, that hasn't been as pressing. So today, after his big birthday party the night before, we slept in for ages, luxuriating in the fact that we had nothing at all to do that day - the best kind of sleeping in is when you don't feel pressed to jump up from bed for anything - then drove into Newtown for brunch @ cafe ism, some shopping and then finished the clean up of the kitchen... then we napped. So gloriouslu decadent and wonderful. I loved it.

My gorgeous guy's latte. I am not a coffee drinker and stuck to juice but it sure looks pretty doesn't it?

Alas the day did not finish off as wonderfully as it started, with a migraine hitting as my beautiful man and I were finishing off dinner (leftovers from the par-tay!) and watching the ABC News. He went home early so I could crash and seal myself off from the world, and I ended up sleeping for 8 hours straight which never happens....


Oh, and one more shot of my delightfully cute nephew, Bodhi. Walking now, and more than 1/2 as tall as his mum, my sister.... at 1!


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