Sunday, July 31, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 211 (Saturday 30 July) - Easter in July?

Tonight's the night the teddy bears have their... no, wait, no bears tonight.

Essie right at the start of things


Fahmi, Steve & Essie (out of picture) in animated discussion

John looking most dapper

Fahmi and Peter

Ian & I

Essie's delightful semolina-based biscuits

Instead, we had a lots of Easter bunnies, chickens and eggs at the Easter-themed birthday dinner for my darling man, Steve. It took a huge amount of buying up at post-Easter sales over two years or so, which included buying a fabulous white Easter tree (yes there are such things), a lot of skullduggery and secret keeping (the theme wasn't released to anyone bar two very close friends, who made the entree & got the desserts organised - thank you Fahmi and Warren respectively!), and a lot of work on the Saturday itself, all of which was totally and utterly completely worth it when I saw the look of utter delight on my guy's face when he first saw all the decorations up. That's why you go all that trouble isn't it? So that the guest of honour will feel special, honoured, loved, and the centre of attention, and to see how much he loved it was all the reward I needed.

The gang

The birthday boy and I

Lots of great conversation

Peter in bunny ears
John in bunny ears

Essie in bunny ears... sense a pattern?

Justin and Cam in bunny ears

Warren's ears flash purple....

...... and now red... yes how demure!

My gorgeous man, the birthday boy, stylin' it up!

The two of us bunny-ing it up!

The 'cake' with rapidly burning smiley candles is presented

By the glow of candle light

Blowing out the candles

Smiling as they burn to zero

"I have bunny ears on? Moi?"

Close to midnight we kept talking and drinking...

While we couldn't assemble all his friends, we did manage to get 10 or so along, in direct competition with some other big birthday parties on that night, and the evening flowed along beautifully. Music was courtesy of this year's Eurovision mix when everyone was milling around with their hibiscus-flower infused champagne, and then Astrud Gilberto and some of Fahmi's beloved Motown sound during the meal itself. Fahmi's cauliflower soup was sensationally creamy and delish, my Moroccan meatballs turned out just fine after two days of soaking in the tomato sauce in the fridge, and the dessert, salted caramel tarts was just divine, all finished off with Warren's fabulous Easter cocktail served in small chocolate Easter eggs (raspberry chambourd, Baileys, cream and chocolate powder), and all that fabulous food fueled a fun night of great conversation, lots of silly bunny ears wearing and the sort of one you want at a birthday dinner, any birthday dinner....

But especially at my gorgeous guy's big night. Happy birthday babe...I love you.


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