Monday, August 01, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 213 - I Got Re-Tweeted! and Pepsi-Maxed!

It is so cool to have something you said on Twitter re-tweeted because it's funny, clever, or just plain goofy because let's face it, who's ego doesn't like that kind of stroking? So when two of my Twitter friends re-tweeted the following quip about Monday:

"Monday - I am afraid that it's no longer working between us and I will be moving in with Friday permanently....It's not me, it's you, Andrew"

It may not be the wittiest tweet of all time but two people thought it was funny enought to send on to 1000 of their followers!

My ego is happy and smiling....

Oh and in #ThingsI8&Drank (so much fun to use Twitter hash tags EVERYWHERE!):

My first Pepsi Max in months - in my defence, I had gone to work feeling the after effects of a migraine from the night before, when I usually feel like I have been run over by a truck and excoriated by an apple corer (guilty today on both counts), and this was my way of getting through the day...

Far better was the dinner my lovely man prepared that night - an original pesto and pine nuts pasta with actual shaved parmesan. Sublime....nom nom nom!


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