Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 215 - Magazines etc to Read but Where is the Time?

My life has become such a blur of things to do and people to see since I decided to break the torpor of the last few years, and get the novel ready for publication, and renew a lot of creative pursuits such as writing and extra blogging, that I scarcely have time to breathe these days. But bless me, I still cling to the idea that I will watch the first 3 seasons of Eureka one day, or the first 6 seasons of Weeds too, or finish all the unread books I have bought that are languishing unloved on my bookshelves (I have instituted a no-new-books policy which is good for both my peace of mind and my wallet) or read the magazines I keep buying even as available time vapourises around me.

Yes it's all annoyingly aspirational but as an extrovert, who, like many extroverts believes he can do a million things all before lunch, I refuse to concede defeat! I will let you know how I get on...


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