Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 89 - When I Am 45?
Yes I am 45 but I don't feel, or look apparently (thank you to everyone who thinks I look like I am in my 30s.... I love you all!) OLD.
Well that was till I got chatting with the young gay guy who acts as the bus marshall for the buses that tame me to and from work. I mentioned to him that I'd been in HUM the night before with my gorgeous guy and that we'd seen a rack of LPs which are making a come back, and becoming quite popular among current artists who release, and the audiophiles who listen to them because the sound is, it seems, better than CDs or MP3s or MP4s. (I had jokingly remakred to my guy that one day I'll likely have to explain what an LP is to a 20 year old. Who knew it would be the very next day?! LOL)
His first reaction was 'what's an LP?' So I, recovering from shock, said it was a record. Still no flash of recognition. 'Like a CD but black and bigger and played with a needle.' That received some sort of recognition, but it reminded me more of when you ask a Japanese person if they have understood your English, and being the delightfully polite people they are, they smile and say 'Yes', while you know the look in their eyes scream "WTF did you just say?"
My lord, as I got on the bus I felt like I was 3 million years old, and added to hearing a Sheena Easton a few days earlier on 2CH (played on the bus by a 60+ bus driver, not listened to voluntarily I should add!), which is a station for Baby Boomer onwards, I began to wander just how old I really was. Yes my tastes are current, and up to date because I love and adore anything new and interesting creatively, but that doesn't mean the younger generation are going to any effort to educate themselves on the stuff I lived through.
I think I need a Bex and a good lie down.
What's a Bex? Oh dear lord.....