Monday, March 14, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 72 (Sunday 13 March) Kulcha 2

Yum Cha kicked off the day at Palace Restaurant, during which we began planning this year's Eurovision party in May, and after dropping Kerry off at the Capital Theatre for her third and final performance, Steve and I took the train to Circular Quay and hightailed it across to the Opera House for a performance by the Australian Chamber Orchestra, which my gorgeous guy sees roughly bi-monthly with his good friend, Alan.

I usually love their concerts, and desperately wanted to really love this one since it consisted entirely of 20th Century pieces curated by a man called Alex Ross who says people are too conservative and don't give the new 'classical' music enough time to fully appreciate it. Unfortunately much as I wanted to adore the pieces, disliking as I do, anyone who is so conservative they reject things out of hand before even trying to see what they're like, I really only liked the pieces by Britten (Variations on a Theme of Frank Bridge) and Strauss (Metamorphosen). The rest were atonal and slow - my attention dimmed considerably by feeling ridiculously tired from the cold I was battling all weekend - and not to my taste, much as I wanted them to be! But I still really enjoyed the afternoon, mainly because it gave me a chance to share something that my guy loves, and experience it with him. Those moments are always special.


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