Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 61 - Earworm FAIL

What a day!

Not only am in the office, but my internal stereo, crammed with a lifetime of great songs including the 8000 + on my iPod, decided, without any warning that today is Wacky Song Choice Day. So in short order, when I could have had funky songs richocheting around my brain by the likes of Coldplay, Lady Gaga and Jamiroquai, decided to torture me with:

Bringing in the Sheaves (an old Christian hymn)

Pop Goes the Weasal (children's song)

Sesame Street theme song

Chattanooga Choo Choo

In a desperate bid to stop my brain pumping out more sonic bilge, I stuck my Sennheiser earphones in my ears, fired up the iPhone, and saturated my brain with some Kylie Minogue which is as far as I can get from the songs above, and oh so very gay, which is an added bonus.

Of course I shall need to be super vigilant lest the Aeroplane Jelly theme song worm it's way in......D'oh! Too late.... back to the iPod and hurry!


Here's the latest shot of my darling gorgeous nephew Bodhi who is loving his food still, is nearly crawling, has mastered sitting up, and is struggling with his bottom teeth coming through, resulting in much sleeplessness for Bodhi and his mum, my sister Rachel.


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