Monday, March 14, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 71 (Saturday 12 March) - Kulcha 1

I love my friend Kerry (see above). She is fun, optimistic, a fabulous force of nature, over the top in the best possible way, and my dearest friend in the world, that I clicked with instantly back in 1984 when we both started uni together, and with whom I have remained, and will always remain, firm close friends.

She arrived into Sydney this morning - I collected her at the QANTAS Terminal, which I don't usually venture into being a Virgin Blue traveller usually (although after recent delays, that may yet change), and found ir roomy, modern and a delight to browse in, which I ahd to do when Kerry's flight was delayed - and after checking in at my place to drop bags and freshen up, we headed out to Glebe for a yummy brunch at Roxanne's (opposite my Glebe fave eatery, Badde Manors) before I dropped her into the City, after an insane traffic jam, for the first of 3 viewings of The Boy From Oz.

Why three times? If you knew Kerry you wouldn't even think to ask because it's just something my lovely friend does regualrly, but since you asked (yeah, yeah, I know you didn't but let's just pretend you did since it makes the blog flow far more smoothly), she wanted to support her friend, Alex Bryan, who is one of the main dancers in the show, and another close friend of hers.

My gorgeous guy and I decided to join her for just one performance - yeah I know we have no staying power! - that night (Kerry's second performance in a day) with tapas at cafe Asturiana , and a free slushy-type cocktail beforehand (see below), and big smiles from a bright, effusive show that astounded me with it's colour, fun and Todd McKenney's unexpected singing and comic skills. We had a ball!


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