Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 5 - Magical Movies & Cleaning the Molars

What a fun day!

Well part of it was anyway! My gorgeous man and I went to see Harry Potter 7 : The Deathly Hallows Part 1 at Fox Studios, and it was most excellent. It was a lot darker and grittier than I expected, and there was even an emotionally stark moment between Harry & Hermione, set to the music of Nick Cave, which captured the sombre mood perfectly. We even got to sit in what is normally an exclusive screening room, Studio 12, right at the top of the complex, with wide comfy seats and I have to say I enjoyed the luxury, all for the cut price of $10 each. Add into the mix lollies and ice cream, and it was the perfect cinematic afternoon.

The less than fun part of the day preceded this celluloid joy. I went to the dentist. During my holidays! I thought I would be doing the right thing by getting it over and done with in the break so the impact on work would be minimal, but while the cleaning with Emma went smoothly, it turns out I need one of my wisdom teeth out, and have to have two adjoining teeth re-filled with an extra tough composite to replace the current amalgams which are leaking. The total cost for all this deligthful activity? $2000 and that's half price because the dentist is a friend, and thankfully the two teeth are adjoining so only one mould is needed. Even so, getting it all done will mean two days off work next week, when I am barely back at my desk, and putting off the purchase of a new laptop and new glasses.

Still, it's not all bad. I am still alive, I have my great guy with me, and I got to spend some Christmas money from my Nanna yesterday, buying Toy Story 1 & 2 on Bluray, a CD by the band, Little Dragons, and a pair of funky Esprit shorts on special ($99 down to $38). So I will survive but what a fab-lite start to the year!


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