Monday, January 03, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 3 - More Chilling, Blogging and Dinner Out on King Street

You may ask yourself - why is Andrew showing me artwork from his walls? To that I would say, apart from questioning why you would be even be wondering given the scintillating content of my entries generally (for those with the inability to detect self deprecation, that sentence is heavily redolent with it), that I am showing you my fabulous pieces of artwork because with the help of my beautiful guy, I finally got the adhesive hooks on the wall and the paintings hung up. 6 months after I moved in! I am one piece of artwork away from being able to use the door out onto the balcony which will be delightful. It illustrates too one less than desriable aspect of my character, that while I can be incredibly swift and decisive in getting lots of things done, when I put them off, I really put them off. I am relieved and happy that I have finally triumphed over procrastination!

Tonight, aglow with triumph over inertia, my gorgeous guy and I took my friend Fahmi out to dinner to wish him well on starting his new job the next day. He has been unemployed for three months, and while happy to have the job, was nervous about starting a new job as anyone would be. We figured dinner out at a favourite restaurant, Tre Viet followed by herbal tea and orange almond flower biscuits at his place would be a nice way to say goodbye to unemployment and hello to a new era in his working life. A wonderful night.


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