Saturday, January 01, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 1 - Much Ado About Nothing

After racing around like a very happy mad man for the last eight days, spending time with my guy's family in Melbourne and then my family in Alstonville, and loving every moment of it, and then hosting a New Year's Eve party within hours of landing from way up north, my gorgeous guy and I stopped in our tracks today...

What bliss. We slept in till 11 a.m. (not hard to do when you go to bed at 2 a.m. the same morning, something my body increasingly doesn't like; actually I have never really been a fan of late nights but the things I do for some socialising!), and after watching ABC News 24 to see what the rest of the world had got up to om NYE, or indeed was still getting up to, we got up, tidied up the mess from the night before (not too bad really since I had run the dishwasher as we went to bed, and let's face, a party of 40 somethings aren't exactly the wild children of the NYE party scene!), then settled on the balcony for a very late lunch (3pm) of left over pastizzis, salads and water. 

The day was sunny and bright but it wasn't stifling hot thanks to a delightful breezing blowing between the apartment blocks. It was so delightful in fact that we found ourselves sitting out there for ages, just enjoying the world passing us by, instead of racing to keep up with it! Naturally all this chilling led to a ginormous long nap, that led to more loafing around before racing back to my guy's place to make sure his pot plants were still alive - they were! Add that to the fact that my house mate's goldfish is still alive and it was a very life affirming break - before we met up with friends Fahmi and Warren for what was supposed to be a spontaneous fish and chips picnic in Sydney Park. But true to form, the fish n chips shop on King Street were taking 1/2 hour to make up orders - they are the Zen masters of fried seafood - so we grabbed food from Tandoori Express next door and had a spicy picnic instead. The food thankfully was delicious, and we had a lovely relaxed catch up high up on one of the blustery hills - will we never learn? Its always windy in Summer and yet we keep sitting up where we can get a view! - while the sun sank around us and dusk enveloped us. It did get cold then but there's something magical about the light slowly winking from existence around you, close friends by you, and the world becoming a little more quiet and reflective.

Which brings me to what I hope for from 2011:

* First up, I know that my relationship with my guy will deepen and grow as it has so far, and while it's sappy to say (and I appreciate numbers of you will need to reach for the chunder bucket), I love him more now than I did two years ago when we first met (and he feels the same which is just a continuing joy). I am hoping this year will see us moving in together, but that will depend on whether he continues to commute to and from Bathurst when I don't see him for 4-5 days a week, or gets some Sydney based work. I am hoping that he can score something in Sydney because I do miss him when he's away.

* My two books published as e-books, and promoted via dedicated Facebook pages, Twitter feeds, and their own web page. Lots of work to be sure but I think it's time these books stopped existing in the realm of "what if?" and became residents of the real here and now.

* Anew job. I love my boss, love the people I work for, and the company that employs me, but I need a new job that uses my creative skills. Thankfully all my meetings with my career coach have proved fruitful and my boss is helping me meet with people from my company who can help me meet that goal so it's all looking tremendously positive.

* As always I want to experience all the fabulous experiences Sydney has to offer from the Festival to Mardi Gras to movies to theatre and concerts, enjoy time with my wonderful times who make my life the joy it is, and times with my family too.

I think this will be the year that things happen, and I can't wait!! Game on! (Yes I did just use a sorting analogy and I promise it will be the last one, apt though it is.)


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