Sunday, December 26, 2010

365 Pink Feather Boas All in a Row - Day 360 : Boxing Day! Shopping, Food...and More Food!

Headed back around to my gorgeous guy's parents place for Boxing Day festivities, stopping off first though at Borders in Camberwell to purchase a reading cushion for my Dad (last part of his Christmas present which he will get in two day's time; it took some doing to find it and we eventually found five of them hidden behind a register.... hilariously, the next day when we ducked back in for a surfing book for my brother in law, they were everywhere, as if mocking their scarcity the day before) and then to The Chocolate Box next door for some "Thank you for having me for Christmas" presents to my parents from my gorgeous guy.

As you'd expect, we spent much of the day eating, with all of Steve's family dropping by, watched the start of the Sydney to Hobart race which was great since I always watch that with my Dad when I am home for Christmas (I am getting on so well with my guy's family - they are just lovely - and I greeted his Mum and Dad so naturally today that his mum remarked on how beautifully I greet them; what a sweet lady), and even some cricket - OK not me so much but it was on in the room! - and the day passed in a very pleasant blur of eating, drinking and long chilled conversations.

It was interrupted only, in the best possible way, by the planting of the lemon tree which Steve's parents had received the day before from their family, and it was planted with all due ceremony (and some tongue-in-cheek solemnity, not to mention many photos taken by my guy's sister and me) behind the shed at the back of the fabulous yard they have. There was lots of laughter, banter, and a real sense of being with family, which is gratifying since I only met his family six months ago, and they have already made me a part of the family, which is warms my heart.

Once the day was over, and one of my guy's nephews and my guy had tried out his new skateboard variant (I will tell you what it's called once I have any idea at all!), we were planning to head back to the hotel, but instead took up an offer from his brother and his wife to come to their place for dinner, which was the best decision ever. Not only are they fabulous to talk to - into music, design and very intelligent, down to earth, fun talented people - but the wine was great, and the home made pizzas delicious plus! We stayed till near midnight, despite the long day, and only reluctantly pulled ourselves away to head back for some shut eye.

Another awesome day with my guy's awesome family in a city I am totally in love with.


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