Sunday, December 26, 2010

365 Pink Feather Boas All in a Row - Day 359 (Saturday 25 December) : Merry Christmas to all and to all a Good Day!

So the big day finally arrives....

Usually the first waking moments are filled with thoughts of presents to come, or the joy of finding your loved ones near (the second option is the far superior one I think, and the ones that hopefully as adults is what we value most), and in the case of this particular Christmas morning where I woke up with my beautiful man next to me, and our final present exchange looming, I got both... and all before the 10 a.m. check out too! We were barely awake true (having stayed up till 1 a.m. that morning wrapping presents, after borrowing scissors from the gay receptionist who remarked on how late we were leaving it to wrap... yes I know, I know...) but it meant so much to give him his final present of the box set of Psychoville and a ticket to see Holly Miranda on January 16 as part of the Sydney Festival and see the delight in his eyes; in return I got a fabulous new blue Fossil watch that I had admired just before Christmas but never imagined in a million years he'd get me and a plush cow called Cody purchased the day before at a funky home wares store called RAP, around from the hotel. The cow was so beautifully wrapped by the sales assistant I was loathe to pull it apart but unwrap it I did, admired it for a moment before packing it all up, so we could pack up, check out and get out to the new hotel at Box Hill, check in before 11 a.m. when they closed for the day, and then sprint to my guy's parents place for lunch with his mum and dad, Uncle John and Aunty Win.

Timing was tight, but made the check out time, found the car in the car park again (after walking along Melbourne's very deserted streets, where disturbingly I saw 4 people jogging, and a lawn mower guy in full gear fresh from taming someone's lawns), made the Box Hill Best Western check in on time and made it to his parents in time for the start of the day's festivities (which included a quick surprise visit from my gorgeous guy's brother and kids on their way to have Christmas lunch with my guy's sister in law, a nurse working a shift at the local hospital).

We exchanged presents first. I got a packet of chocolate covered almonds from Aunty Win, iPhone app fridge magnets from Carolyn (so much fun!) who in return got Owl and the Pussycat bookends from us, and a Voodoo White Chocolate 'cake' from my guy's parents, filled with marshmallows, nuts etc (the 'cake', not his parents), and Steve got a bottle of wine from Aunty Win and some fun gifts too. Then it was on to a yummy lunch. My guy's mum had made yummy Japanese-themed entrees - raw salmon on mini-pappadums and raw oysters with radishes.... I don't like oysters so very politely steered clear of them but all the other entrees were delish, as was the main meal of roast pork and ham with veges... all so yummy! Finished it off with pudding and custard (made by my guy) and pudding flavoured ice cream with brandy butter.... I could feel the fat rushing to my love handles and stomach but cared not. It was all too delicious, the wine was wonderful, and Uncle John and Aunty Win were wonderful to talk to. Along, lazy afternoon, punctuated by lots of washing up (by me, Carolyn and my guy) to make sure that my guy's parents weren't left with a mess after hosting so well.

We had barely stopped eating when we all jumped into cars - OK we were so full it was more of a contented shuffle - and headed to my guy's brother's place for the evening festivities. This was the time when the whole family gathered together for a meal after catching up with the various in laws at lunch - lots of delicious salads including a carrot one to die for - preceded by drinks in the backyard and the Kris Kringle present exchange where my guy got a great red fry pan and an Italian cook book (no guessing where his passions lie!) and his sister gave me an ABBAWorld towel and a Bluray of Toy Story 3. The nieces and nephews, ranging in age from 6 to 10, and who are without exception delightful and brilliantly well behaved, and a lot of fun, then took to my guy's sister's gingerbread house, and with a little help from me (I wanted a row of freckles from the roof all right! LOL), demolished great slabs of it in quick order. It was a wonderful evening, filled with much wine, food, and long conversations with various family members, who have embraced me as a family member without hesitation and who I am loving getting to spend time with and know better. The night ended late but it capped off the most wonderful Christmas.

I do wish I could have managed to magically transport myself to and from my parents place in Alstonville to experience Christmas there, but Star Trek being just a TV show and not reality, I contented myself with my very first Melbourne Christmas which was brilliant.


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