Tuesday, December 21, 2010

365 Pink Feather Boas All in a Row - Day 352 (Saturday 18 December) : Mad Dashes Here, Mad Dashes There... and Lights, Pretty, Liiiights!

What a busy day but hey its Christmas right?

As my gorgeous guy departed for a day of shopping for presents for me (he had been time starved of late what with being in Bathurst all week, and then working most weekends), I went to the salubrious surrounds of Marrickville Metro with my wonderful friend Waz for Christmas shopping - mostly Waz's - at Dick Smith, K-Mart and Woolworths, with a haircut thrown in their somewhere too.

Pitt Street Mall

Strand Arcade
We also raced into Newtown to get my friend Peter's birthday cake at Citrus, and so didn't make it home till 3pm, giving me a grand total of 1/2 hour to chillax before I had to race into the City, and meet up with my lovely guy, who by the time I met him was exhausted. So we stopped for coffee and cake in the new Westfield - how much do I love maccaroons....YUM!! - before seeing 1 or 2000 more shops, till we got so tired that stopping to look at more lights - this time at Hyde Park Barracks - seemed like the perfect to slow the pace somewhat... and then slowed it completely with a long slow dinner at Chinta Ria, a fabulous Malaysian restaurant at King Street Wharf, that makes the most delicious Beef Rendang and Roti....

Wonderful though the night was, I have never been more happy to tumble into bed....

But before that happened - yes there's more, and a free set of steak knives too! - we stopped off in Livingstone and Frasier streets respectively to see two houses decorated in a fabulously Over the Top fashion with all the gaudy fun Christmas lights a boy could possibly need. So much fun!!

Hosue 1 - Livingstone Street

House 2 - Frasier Street


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