Tuesday, December 21, 2010

365 Pink Feather Boas All in a Row - Day 354 (Monday 20 December) : Presents...Then No Presence (Sad Emoticon)

Yes, I know I used one of those awful word plays in the title so beloved of church pastors, and motivational speakers (who share more similarities that I am comfortable with!) but it fits the day which started with a fun present exchange at 6.30 in the morning - we were trying to fit in with my work schedule for the day which meant being on a train by 7.40 - with my gorgeous guy.

We had a ball opening the gifts near my tree, and while there was a glitch or two (an antique cup and saucer, part of a pair, that I had bought him smashed the night before when I tripped placing his present box under the tree; we tried to make the best of it by deciding we'd start a collection of one off teacups and saucers), the 40 minutes or so we spent pretending it was Christmas were delightful - my gorgeous guy has wrapped the presents beautifully (he is so creative and they looked wonderful), I loved the trouble he'd gone to to get me ABBAWorld glasses, that I'd seen back in June in melbourne) and some books I really wanted, and it was precious having that time together before....

.... he jetted off to Melbourne to spend the week with his family before I join him Thursday night. I miss him lots when he's gone, and while you'd think I'd have become used to his absence during all the weeks he was in Bathurst, you don't ever get used to it especially if you love your partner as much as I love my guy. The lovely part is he feels the absences just as keenly but I still wish we could be together more often.

Still, the morning was special and something I treasure.


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