Wednesday, December 29, 2010

365 Pink Feather Boas All in a Row - Day 363 : Lazy Day in the Country

The day started with News 24 and a lie in at Alstonville Settlers Motel (I developed a real love of starting the day with Joe O'Brien and News 24 news.... I am after all, a news junkie so it makes sense since I had the time to indulge my need for lots of news and often) and then grocery shopping at Coles @ Alstonville Plaza, the local shopping centre that I swear hasn't been touched for YEARS with the same mouldy green awning across what was an open plaza. Still it has been there for so long that I bought Voulez Vouz, ABBA's 1979 album at the gift shop (long gone and now replaced by a bakery) so it occupies an affectionate place in my heart.

The mundanities of food shopping out of the way, we headed off for a fun afternoon at the House With No Steps, a charity that operates to allow mentally and disabled people the chance for active meaningful employment, so that Zara could play in the small water park there. She had an absolute ball! She ran from the slippery dip and swings into the water, and after stopping for a towelling off by her mum (my sister Helen), back onto the swings or onto the giant chess set (she dragged one piece from the board across to the swings and back again) and then back for more fun in the water park where she would chase her dad through the various water spouts, 'catch' him and he would throw her in the air 4-5 times while she giggled like crazy. It was so much fun, and while we got some sun, seeing Zara enjoy herself so much made it all worthwhile. She is a delight.....oh, and my guy and I showed we still have our swinging chops! No, not that kind of swinging; innocent playground swinging, thank you, and I can still gain altitude baby!

Back home, with Zara's dad leaving for home on the Gold Coast direct from the park, Zara and Bodhi opened their presents from me and Steve and thankfully loved them. We gave Zara a funky tshirt from Revolution Baby that we got at the Rose Street Markets in Melbourne (Bodhi got one too) and 4 books including classics like "he Wheels on the Bus" which we then sang over and over....well until Zara got sick of it which, as is the case for kids, NEVER.... Bodhi, to my surprise, attacked the wrapping on his present with gusto (not bad for a 5 month old!), and had all the red tissue paper off his Fisher Price 'cement' truck in no time... he was actually more interested in gumming his tshirt to be honest, and it was Zara who had fun playing with the truck, but the gifts went down a treat and we got some great video footage of them opening and enjoying their presents which I will post as soon as I get it from my sister.

Then before dinner, to work up a healthy appetite, Rachel, Bodhi (who chose not to walk mainly because, as of yet, he can't), Mum, my gorgeous guy and I all set off around the estate for a walk, taking in the sights and sounds of suburbia and trying in some small way to atone for the culinary excesses of Christmas.


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