Wednesday, December 29, 2010

365 Pink Feather Boas All in a Row - Day 362 (Tuesday 28 December) : It's Christmas.... Again!

We slept in today after a busy travel day yesterday but still managed to get to my Mum and Dad's by 9.15 this morning (not hard when their home is 2 minutes drive from the motel - gotta love small towns!; we were picked up by my sister Rachel, mother of the adorable Bodhi) and the first thing we saw was my cute as a button niece Zara dragging her pink puppy on wheels around the house and telling us that her cousin, Bodhi, was asleep (hand on the side of the head, above).

The first thing that my gorgeous guy did was give my Mum & Dad the "Thank you for letting me be part of your Christmas" gift that we got for them in Box Hill & Camberwell. Mum loved it!

The main show in town was, as always, my adorable nephew Bodhi & niece Zara, who I see far too seldom but love when I do see them! My gorgeous guy & I both got to hold them, and in the case of Zara at a park in Ballina (after Rachel, my guy & I had gone shopping for a gift for my Nanna - yes I forgot another gift! - and grabbed alcohol and grocery supplies), play fun games with them. In the photo below, a little boy hid beneath the slats of the playhouse and pushed leaves up to Zara who thought they were appearing by magic. She loved it and all you could hear were cried of "More! More!" from her till the little boy tired of the game!

My guy& I at the park in Ballina, with the river in the background.

Bodhi and I got totally into the Christmas spirit. He is such a joy, smiling at the drop of a hat, and is a wonderful mood 99% of the time.

The three ornaments below were bought for Mum & Dad's tree this year - first up is Zara's 2nd Christmas ornament, then the general 2010 one then Bodhi's first ornament.

Mum & Dad's tree with the last of the presents to be exchanged. Most of the gifts were exchanged on Chrictams Day but gifts from and to me & my guy and my brother in law Shayne were held till today.


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