Thursday, December 30, 2010

365 Pink Feather Boas All in a Row - Day 364 : Brunch in Byron Bay...and a Drink at the Feddy

Today was the day for the traditional brunch at Byron Bay that my brother and I do every year when I am home for Christmas. After saying goodbye to my lovely sister Helen, and niece Zara, who would be returning home to the Gold Coast while we were at Australia's most easterly point, I drove us all to BB in Mum's car, sometimes with great trepidation on the narrow, almost single lane country back roads that we took to avoid the crowded, traffic-choked main routes into Byron Bay. It's amazing just how unnerved you can get with narrow roads, no real lane marking and very tight twists and turns on roads that have been built into the contours of the hills in the hinterland. But we made intact, and first stop was the light house which I have been to once or twice, and a walk to the most easterly point in Australia which bizarrely in 34 years of calling the Far North Coast HOME, I have never visited. So we rectified that today, on a mercifully non-humid day, and had a delightful time exploring an amazing local icon, with my brother and his girlfriend Aimee.

Suitably hungry from tramping up and down steps with fellow tourists, we headed for my favourite cafe in Byron Bay, Twista Sista, and delicious food sitting on the footpath watching the myriad mass of surf boys and surfer chicks and backpackers go by. We finished off with a quick look through the shops - I bought nothing which is a remarkable noteworthy first! - and headed for home, this time on nice wide marked sealed roads.

Fake surfing is all the rage naturally...LOL

Finished off the day with a drink at The Feddy (The Federal Hotel in the main street of Alstonville) with my dear friend Sue from Melbourne, who I catch up with, in person, at least, once a year since her parents live not that far from mine. Thanks to Facebook I get to be in contact much more than that, but it's at Christmas that we get to have a long, menadering chat, drink a wine or two (in this case a wine then a Coke) and she got to meet my darling guy for the first time after hearing so much about him. It was a lovely relaxed 1 1/2 hours, and after dropping her off at her parents' place, my guy and I headed home for a yummy dinner of Italian pie, a dish I have eaten since I was a child.

I couldn't resist one last shot of Bodhi this time with his Dad, Michael, who arrived the day before we left, due to work commitments on the Gold Coast. He loves his son to bits, and it's gorgeous to watch.


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